what is the need of Eportfolio?

ePortfolios Assessment

what e-portfolio show? it is a way to display your skills and experience

In its simplest form, ePortfolios may be defined as a collection of evidence about what and how you have learnt, including personal reflections on your learning and how it might relate to other studies or your future career path. student can add their essays like CSR Assignment in their e-portfolio, it will be added advantages

Graduate employers consistently tell us that they are looking for graduates who display not only technical skills but also those referred to as non-technical or employability skills. These include communication, self-management, and the ability to work in team and to learn from mistakes. ePortfolios act as a record of your individual learning and perhaps more importantly your progress in learning. It assists you when preparing for graduate employment interviews or jobs while you are studying.

At Deakin we are innovating in the use of ePortfolios in the Accounting and Financial Planning majors, so this is a starting point in creating your own individual ePortfolio. And remember, that this is your resource so think about entering other ‘employability-related activities’ that are outside of the formal learning of your degree. Employers want to know about these initiatives almost as much as they do about the grades in your degree.

Threshold learning standards (TLSs) for accounting graduates were developed collaboratively across Australia in 2010 with input from the professional accounting bodies, various business practitioners and accounting academics. Five TLSs were developed for the Accounting discipline of which the Critical Thinking or Judgement standard is relevant for this assessment task.

Bachelor graduates in Accounting will be able to exercise judgement under supervision to solve routine accounting problems in straightforward contexts using social, ethical, economic, regulatory and global perspectives. In this assignment, you are required to reflect on your learning in this unit (MAA310 Accounting and Society) with an emphasis on Critical Thinking.

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