Key Points for Official Report Assignment HSN302

Part 1 ‘Metabolic disease epidemic’ Report and Program proposal (1750 -1850 words): To be written  in THIRD person – do not use ‘I’ statements

Choose one of these two issues from the topic metabolic disease epidemic:

1.  Adulthood type two Diabetes (T2DM)
2.  Childhood obesity (primary school aged children)

Write a report for the Australian federal health minister regarding a program you would recommend to address your chosen issue.

Your report should include the following information:

a)    Introduction to your report comprising definition and discussion of the prevalence and causes of this issue. Also include identification and justification of the specific target group / population  group your program will aim to address.

b)  A brief discussion including an explanation of why this problem is considered a public health nutrition issue and why a public health approach is needed in this population group / target group.

c)    A review of two current or recent programs / initiatives (for example a nutrition intervention study or a national level program) to address this public health nutrition issue, focussing on critical analysis of relevant strengths and limitations of those initiatives (These must be programs / initiatives which were not discussed in the unit materials). You must provide a reference for each   of the programs.

d)   A proposal of one unique program / strategy to address this public health nutrition issue based on your review of existing programs (For example you should design your program with consideration for the strengths and limitations of the two other programs discussed in your review). Include a brief discussion of some likely strengths and limitations of your proposal, together with a brief conclusion.

Part 2 Reflection (100-150 words): To be written in FIRST person - use ‘I’ statements

How are the skills and/or knowledge gained from undertaking this assignment going to be useful to your career?
Write a self-reflection on what you have learnt, improved or demonstrated from undertaking this assignment, and how you might be able to apply the knowledge or skills gained in a job application or in your career. You may find it useful to consider relevant job descriptions or selection criteria. (Your  career path does not have to be directly related to nutrition – you are encouraged to consider both discipline specific and generic skills that you might be able to promote to future employers and use in the workplace.)

This assignment has been designed to assist your development of the following ULOs:

  1. ULO1: Identify, describe, explain and discuss the public health approach to nutrition, and major population nutrition issues across the lifespan in Australia and internationally.
  2. ULO2: Explain national and global causes, consequences and solutions of nutritional deficiencies, metabolic diseases, food insecurity and food sustainability issues.
  3. ULO3: Identify, retrieve, curate and critically appraise relevant digital literature to analyse Public Health Nutrition problems.
  4. ULO4: Critique and propose population nutrition interventions addressing real world nutrition issues. ULO5: Explain and discuss population nutrition issues and approaches using appropriate, discipline specific language, references, and presentation.
  5. ULO6: Use reflective practice to evidence learning within the context of population nutrition.

Assessment Criteria
Not evidenced
Beginner Level
Base Competence
Describe a public health issue and identify an affected? cohort to target

(Part 1a)
Not covered
Limited introduction or minimal or irrelevant information regarding definition, prevalence and causes.
Target issue/group not clearly identified.
Lack of references.
Basic or unclear introduction to the topic with mention of definition, prevalence and causes, but with insufficient information and/or not specific to target issue/group.
Justification of choice of target issue/group is insufficient.
References provided but insufficient quality, relevance or variety.
Clear introduction to the topic including appropriate definition and discussion of prevalence and causes of this issue.
Clear description and justification of target issue/group.
Uses & references relevant, high quality sources.
Introduction engages the reader and indicates the scope of the report, including succinct, clear and accurate definition and description of prevalence and key causes. Clearly identifies and persuasively/strongly justifies choice of target issue/group for the program presented.
Uses & references a variety of relevant, high quality sources.
(20 marks)
Justify a public health approach to a health issue

(Part 1b)
Not covered
Limited discussion of public health approach, with minimal referencing.
Understanding of public health approach not well evidenced. Limited referencing.
Discusses public health approach and relevance, but doesn’t synthesize information well. Supported by use of references.
Clear and succinct justification of why this is a public health nutrition issue and why a public health approach is required to address this issue - provides a strong rationale and context for the report.
Well supported by relevant references.

(15 marks)





Critically evaluate public health programs

(Part 1c)
Not covered
Lack of critical analysis. Initiatives & review presented have limited relevance to topic or population chosen.
Limited structure, flow or logic to information presented.
Limited use of suitable reference materials.
Describes two relevant initiatives, but critical analysis is limited by insufficient depth, and/or insufficient relevance to public health and target issue. Presentation has some logic and structure, but some inaccuracies or limitations are present.
Content generally relevant to topic area and introduction. Adequate use of suitable reference materials.
Thorough critical analysis of two initiatives based on public health considerations.
Presented in logical and meaningful order.
Good quality, variety and currency of reference materials.
Thorough, discerning appraisal of two existing, relevant initiatives, which demonstrates independent critical analysis and application of public health principles. Content links well to previous sections.
Presented in logical and meaningful order with sound argument.
Quality, variety and currency of reference materials to support argument is high.
(35 marks)

Describe and justify a proposal for a public health program including an overall conclusion

(Part 1d)
Not covered
Proposal not linked to body of report, not clearly written, and/or shows limited support from the literature.
Conclusion is vague, confusing, incomplete or not clearly linked to the body of the report.
A relevant proposal is presented, but links to the literature and critical analysis are limited.
Discussion of scope, intended outcomes, and advantages and disadvantages of proposed is provided but insufficiently detailed or not well linked to body of report.
Conclusion relates to the body of the report, but is unclear and/or repetitive of earlier content and/or introduces new information.
Proposal builds upon the critical analysis of existing initiatives.
Scope and intended outcomes of proposed strategy well defined, together with advantages and disadvantages. Provides a brief, clear and well- rounded conclusion to the document.
Proposal shows original thinking, as well as explicit and insightful links to the literature, and follows logically from the critical analysis of existing initiatives.
Scope and intended outcomes of proposed strategy link to previous sections and are clearly defined, together with key strengths and limitations.
Provides a succinct, strong, well-rounded and motivating conclusion to the report.
(20 marks)
Describe and reflect on learning

(Part 2)
Not covered
Demonstrates little insight or application of learnings to a potential career pathway.
Not written in first person.
Describes some learnings and applications to career path. Written in first person.
Describes and reflects on relevant learning and skills developed through assignment, with application to potential career pathway.
Clearly written in first person.
Clearly describes and critically reflects, with insight and enthusiasm, on relevant learnings and skills developed through undertaking this assignment, and applies to potential career pathway.
Clearly and succinctly written in first person.
(5 marks)
Write for a scientific audience
Writing difficult to understand due to poor organisation and/or use of English language.
Numerous spelling and grammatical errors.
Outside word limit. References not included.
Non-scientific writing style and/or confusing expression, making the meaning unclear. Writing may lack organisation and flow. Subheadings are not used or do not accurately reflect the text in that section. Numerous spelling and grammatical errors.
Outside word limit. Inconsistent or inappropriate referencing style.
Uses scientific writing style but layout and structure lack consistency and clarity.
The information has some structure, though could be improved by better use of subheadings and/or more logical progression.
Some grammatical or spelling errors present.
Word count accurate. Referencing used in text and bibliography, but with some inconsistencies/ errors.
Expression and presentation are clear and appropriate to a scientific report, including consistent layout and formatting.
Clear logical structure, and mostly uses meaningful headings.
Few spelling and grammatical errors.  Within word limit.
Most references are correctly listed and accurately formatted.
Highly-developed skills in clarity of scientific expression and presentation – writing is clear, succinct, fluent and engaging, with consistent layout and formatting.
Clear, logical structure, with use of appropriate headings which support the development of a logical argument.
No grammatical or spelling errors. Within word limit.
All references are correctly listed and accurately formatted.
(5 marks)

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