Terrorism in International Politics Assignment Help

This article is a guide to unit on  international terrorism, with this one can be able to prepare for the assessment type and level, will be given in the trimester of arts course at deaken university. 

This Unit Guide explains the aims of the unit, describes the assessment requirements and gives details of the assignments. You should always read this Unit Guide first and check it frequently when preparing to study or embarking on assignment work.

This unit focuses on the development and theoretical understandings of terrorism. It examines terrorism as a tool of revolutionary war. It identifies the debate over the difficulty in reaching a common agreement as to a definition of terrorism. The historical development of terrorism is examined with a comparison made between the more nationalist terrorism of the 19th and 20th century with the global terrorism of the 21st century. We then begin to place the threat of terrorism into global context and assess the implications of the (over)emphasis placed on the issue. Tools for counterfeiting terrorism are then explored. The role of women as terrorists is examined before surveying various forms of terrorism including state terrorism.
Part of the rationale of this unit in the program is that it forms part of the Conflict and Security specialisation.


Towards the end of the teaching period You will be emailed a link to the unit evaluation survey for this unit. I encourage you to complete this as the results are used to help assess curriculum, teaching and assessment directions in this unit.
In previous years this unit received very satisfactory evaluation by students for being a well taught unit. A clear majority of students said they would recommend this unit to other students.
Many things influence the structure and design of the unit, including student feedback. In the past, student feedback has prompted me to make structural changes to the unit such as the introduction and then the continuation of the Online Discussion assignment. I hope you will enjoy studying this unit this trimester.

Study commitment

I expect that you will participate constructively in learning in classes and online, and treat staff and other students with respect and courtesy. On average each unit requires 10 hours per week in reading, study and engagement with other students.


Terrorism is commonly identified as a growing threat in today's world. This unit considers the evolution of terrorism as an expression of alienation, and as a form of political violence in the context of the modern international system. It also examines the dilemmas associated with, and limitations of, conventional responses to terrorism and the tools of counter terrorism. The unit then examines specific types of terrorism including maritime, biological, and suicide terrorism.

 The Unit Learning Outcomes (ULOs) listed below describe what you are expected to have achieved on completion of this unit. Each ULO relates to one or more of the Deakin Graduate Learning Outcomes (GLOs), which describe the knowledge and capabilities you should acquire and be able to apply and demonstrate at the completion of your course (see below). Not all of the GLOs are developed and assessed in every unit.

At the successful completion of this unit students can:

understand the nature and significance of terrorism as a end of global trade  activity

apply concepts, theories and methods used in the study of international relations to the analysis of terrorism in the global arena

demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of the origins and evolution of the terrorism, including contemporary changes underway

evaluate different interpretations of terrorism

gather, organise and deploy evidence, data and information from a variety of secondary and some primary sources


Identify, investigate, analyse, formulate and advocate solutions to problems

Two essays each 2000 words 40% each, Online discussion 20%

Summative assessment
Assessment primarily used to measure the level of a student’s success in achieving learning outcomes, which contributes to a student's final grade and/or mark for a unit of study. All unit learning outcomes are assessed via summative assessment.

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