Finance Assignment help- sample questions

Question 1

1a. Why is a share of Microsoft common stock an asset for its owner and a liability for Microsoft?
1b. Why have some economists described money during the hyperinflation as a “hot potato” that is quickly passed from one person to another?
1c. Explain how the following events will affect the demand for money according to the “portfolio theories” of money demand:
a.       The economy experience a business cycle contraction.
b.      Brokerage fees decline, making bond transactions cheaper.
c.       The stock market crashes (Hint: consider both the increase in stock price volatility following a market crash and the decrease in wealth of the stock holders).

Question 2

2a. Is it better for bond holders when the yield to maturity increases or decreases? Explain.
2b. ‘Risk Premiums’ on corporate bonds are usually anti-cyclical; that is, they decrease during business cycle expansion and increase during recessions.
·         Why is this so?
2c. If a yield curve looks like the one shown in the figure below, what is the market predicting about the movement of future short-term interest rates?
·         What might the yield curve indicate about the market’s predictions for the inflation rate in the future?

Question 3

3a Which firms are most likely to use bank financing rather than to issue bonds or stocks to finance their activities?
3b. Can a person with rational expectations expect the price of  “Google” to rise by 10% in the next month?
3c. “Foreign exchange rates, like stock prices, should follow a random walk”
·         Is this statement true? False?, or uncertain ?
·         Explain your answer

Question 4

4a. During the holiday season, when the public’s holdings of currency increase, what defensive open market operations typically occur? And,
·         Why?
4b.  “Because inflation targeting focuses on achieving the inflation target, it will lead to excessive output fluctuations”
·         Is this statement true? False?, or, Uncertain?
·         Explain
4c. Why aren’t central banks more proactive at trying to use monetary policy to eliminate asset-price bubbles?

Questions 5

5a. Predict what will happen to stock prices after a monetary easing.
·         Explain your predictions.
5b. Economist Franco Modigliani found that the most important transmission mechanisms of monetary policy involve consumer expenditure,
·         Describe how these mechanisms work.
5c. If Mexicans go on a spending spree and buy twice as much French perfume, Japanese TVs, English sweaters, Swiss watches, and Italian Wine, what will happen to the value of the Mexican peso?

Question 6

6a. How can a large balance-of-payments surplus contribute to a country’s inflation rate?
6b. Why can balance-of-payments deficits force some countries to implement a contradictory monetary policy?
6c. What are the advantages and disadvantages of currency boards and dollarization over a monetary policy that uses only an exchange-rate target?

Question 7

7a. How does the concept of asymmetric information help to define a financial crisis?
7b. How can financial liberalizations lead to a financial crisis?
7c. How can a decline in real estate prices cause deleveraging and a decline in lending?

Question 8

8a. if a bank finds that its ROE is too low because it has too much bank capital;
  • What can it do to raise its ROE?

8b. If a bank is falling short of meeting its capital requirements by $1 million, what three things can it do to rectify the situation?
8c. If you are a banker and expect interest rates to rise in the future, would you want to make short-term of long-term loans?
8d. why are deposit insurance and other types of government safety nets important to the health of the economy?

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