Assignment for Implementation of Green Marketing Strategy

Assessments at a glance

Brief Description
Team Written Assignment 
Teams of 6
1.       Team Assignment 1.1 (Draft used for presentation weeks 4-6) Provide a situational analysis of the assignment Case. Due in Week 4-6 via hard copy in class or team video with word document draft into off campus dropbox
2.    Team Assignment 1.2 Using and improving on your situational analysis in 1.1, develop a coherent and succinct total document of strategic marketing
Due by week 11 via dropbox.

Team Presentation 
3.       Team presentation of in-depth findings of one analysis from 1.1 (5% individual + 5% team) + Draft of 1.1. Nominate a time to present in weeks 4, 5 or 6. All must present

2 hours closed book.

What is progressive assessment?

This process gives you feedback and grades as you complete project milestones. For example, we will give you feedback on the first part of Assignment 1 (1.1). This feedback is used for you to build on 1.1 to complete 1.2. To complete 1.1, you must make a series of choices and decisions using the tools and models from this course. We will make suggestions when marking to improve 1.1, or to have a better answer. Use these suggestions to fix 1.1 for the total assignment.

This process of breaking projects into different “bits” that receive feedback is a common way of working in corporations. Use this opportunity to learn to make choices, write a cohesive project (means not breaking the project into my or your parts) and to receive outside feedback. Use the process to improve your work.

Having assessable tasks as part of an academic program serve to:
  • encourage you to explore and understand the subject more fully,
  • provide you with an indication of how much you have achieved as work progresses in a project, and
  • enhance your learning process because you have to ‘fix’ the work you have submitted.

Team Assignment (Teams of 6)

Strategy is a team based activity. Simulating collaboration in a team assignment gives you a chance to work on a business-case as a team based activity. This process is used at many good universities.  It is also the way business cases are put together in most corporations.
You are to form teams of 6 members; this is normally the number of managers involved in strategic planning. Team members will take on different roles in a strategic decision making situation. These roles are:

  1. Executive officer (CEO) – usually the lead for the team (whip)
  2. Finance and accounting – has to work out the bits relating to funding and returns for the project
  3. Marketing – look at the market and projections
  4. Legal – look at implications of strategies
  5. Operations – either take on the role of service, operations or manufacturing
  6. HR – look at the internal requirements and restructuring of the company

These are the normal roles involved in a team generating a business strategy. It is imperative that students have experience working in these larger teams in order to simulate the decision making dynamics and teamwork for larger teams.

Team membership must remain consistent for all assignments. If you eject a team member, you will have to find a replacement. Similarly, if you leave a team, you will have to find another team to join. This is a team assignment; no student can submit an individual assignment. If a person’s name appears on an assignment, they will get equal marks – unless a formal agreement between all members of the team agree to a different result (ie; nominate peer evaluated % participation marks – which can be fair if one person does an extreme amount of work and someone else does very little – marks can then be adjusted – do advise Karen Lurati if your team wishes to do this.
Once an assignment is submitted, we will not mediate differences. % participation marks must be included with the assignments submission. It helps you to keep track of what your team members are doing, this is collaboration. Work together and create a cohesive project. Remember, your mark depends on what your team does.

Our pedagogy is adult centred learning; this means that we believe in self-moderating teams.  This also means that you have to sort out your own team problems - You must make your team function. In light of this, choose your team members carefully; they may bring your grades down. I also suggest you have a team leader who coordinates work and acts as a ‘whip’. Your team may elect to give this person extra marks (please inform your lecturer about this).

Your will sign up to a team in class. Teams will act as consultants in a strategic consulting firm. They report to the principal consultant (tutor/lecturer).  Each team works on the same project, coordinating with other teams to develop a comprehensive strategic solution to the business problem. Similar to the workplace, team members are encouraged to exhibit professionalism and to get the project ‘in’ on time and to task.

Detailed Assignment brief

Team Assignment 1.1 (draft) – Case Study analysis – “Marshalls PLC” (1500 words)

Your team will analyse the caseMarshalls PLC” (Edwards, Harrop & Lee, 2012) – This case is in your green Marketing Strategy Casebook

1.1 is based on the strategic analytical methods covered in the first part of this course
Note that analysis and critical thought is important.  Mere ‘summary’ of the material from the case will be awarded extremely low marks – read ‘How to analyse a case’ in the case pack and come/listen to seminars regularly.  The feedback marking sheet for this assignment is included at the end of this document. We will also be looking out for parts of the assignment that do not “synchronise” – awarding substantially lower marks if different parts clash. For example, in one part of the assignment you claim the market is attractive, in another part you make the opposite claim, and that it is not attractive. Make sure you work together to have a coherent assignment – do not break this assignment into my part-your part.

Answers will be assessed for appropriateness and persuasiveness. Application of strategic marketing concepts is expected.  It is up to you how to present your analysis – for example, by answering directly from the questions, using appropriate subtitles, and/or using a marketing report format.
No research outside of the material provided in this course is permitted. You are to use only the material from the case.  The aim is to analyse and make deductions from the evidence available, not research. Success in this assignment (and in the business world) depends on your ability to communicate effectively. You should apply a sustained effort on assignments throughout trimester – do not leave writing to the last minute. Your write-up will be graded on the quality of your expression.  Keep it clear and concise. It is also useful to attend other presentations to see what your peers are doing to find a solution to the problem.

Format for Draft (1.1) – Approx 1500 words

  1. Cover – name, student number, Team name/number, unit name and number
  2. Executive summary – 1 page of your main findings
  3. Table of contents – use MS word Table of contents tool, page numbers inserted
  4. Introduction and background info (shortened)
  5. Environmental analysis  – historical, pest, micro-macro, product life cycle determination
  6. product/company/industry, internal analysis, positioning analysis, supply chain, financial ratios analysis
  7. consumer, consumer Teams, buying behaviour
  8. competitor, competitor strength grid, competitor Teams,
  9. opportunity analysis, multifactor portfolio analysis, investment opportunity analysis,
  10. Critical issues (table) analysis, SCA (derived from PLC)
  11. Strategy & positioning recommendations                                                                       a.      overall strategy – address PLC (e.g. growth, differentiation, diversification). Table format is ok.                                                                                                   b.      Must provide main strategic thrust derived from the conclusions of your analysis.
  12.  Conclusion – brief and to the point of your main findings
  13.  References – only case and textbook and other materials provided in this unit
  14.  Appendices – workings and calculations
            To complete this assignment a student must have the knowledge of marketing management.

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