Reflective Journal Assignment


Over the first three weeks of this course, students are required to reflect on two or more of the sustainability-related themes explored in the course. These reflections are to be presented in a reflective journal.  These themes (including issues, challenges, concepts, examples and approaches) should be drawn from those raised in class presentations, discussions and activities, resources provided on the course Moodle page and/or readings from the course text.

In this assessment task, students are required to demonstrate their consideration of the personal relevance of some of the sustainability themes explored; their implications for the business sector in general and the student’s current/future role in business. Students should provide their thoughts, feelings, responses, reactions, opinions and ideas on the material explored. Critical thinking should be demonstrated in these reflections. Students should not present this as a summary or research essay on the sustainability topics explored in class. Read about Stock Accounting Assignment.

While this task is not a research task, sources referred to in your reflections still need to be referenced using the APA referencing style. For information on the style of writing required, please refer to the samples and guides provided on the course Moodle page.

This assessment task will be marked out of 100 and is worth 20% of your total mark for the BUGEN 5930 course. For information on how this task will be assessed, please refer to the attached Marking Rubric.

Word Limit

1300 -1500  words - (assignments exceeding the word limit may not be marked and may be returned to the student for re-writing; assignments less than the required length will risk not covering the topics adequately and may result in a fail). Do not include synopsis, references or bibliography in the word count.

Note: While a Reflective Journal will mainly comprise of your own thoughts and reflections written in ‘your own words’, Federation University Australia rules relating to referencing, citation and acknowledgement must be complied with for any content from other sources. Students are strongly encouraged to make use the University resources on the Preventing Plagiarism page 
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