Guidelines for Individual Assignment

A)    Report: Analyse the data, in the form of interview transcripts, that is provided to you. Use coding in order to identify strategic problems facing the hospitality organisations and propose solutions. Support your report with sufficient and appropriate literature.

B)    Reflections of the Project Experience: Reflect on your experience and learning from this research project. You may choose to reflect on any of the following amongst other topics:
•    Project Tasks: What were your perceptions of all the tasks that you had to undertake? What did you find easy? What was difficult? How did you overcome difficulties? What would you do differently next time? Why?
You may want to read this Business law Assignment.
•    Key Areas of Learning for me: Use your Learning Journal/notes to identify and critically reflect on your individual learning experience. Some topics you could write about are: client interaction, New Zealand’s business environment and culture, discipline/topic learning, communication, critical thinking, presentation skills or any other experiences that have added value to you.
•    Time Management: Did you run out of time? Why? How did you cope with lack of time? How did you handle this? How can you avoid running out of time in the future?
•    Personal Motivation: Were you personally motivated? How did you deal with this? Were you successful? What did you learn about your own motivation levels?


Please format your assessment as follows:

1    Abstract
2    Table of Contents
3    Introduction
4    Problem Statement: The problem/s that you have identified through the secondary data analysis.
5    Literature Review: Review the existing literature relating to this problem and the potential solutions that may exist.
6    Research Methodology: The methodology that you are using in order to do this study.
7    Ethical Considerations: The ethical issues that you may or may not have to consider in the process of doing this study.
8    Limitations / Disclaimers: if any.
9    Analysis / Discussion: These should be thorough, detailed, and supported with suitable literature. The analysis should identify and assess the underlying issues behind the visible symptoms.
10    Conclusion & Recommendations: These must summarise and link back to the report above. No new information should be included in the conclusions. Recommendations must be supported by the analysis above.
11    Future Research / Projects: Your own recommendations for future research or future projects in relation to this topic.
12    Reflections of the Project Experience: As per instructions on the previous page.
13    Reference List: Using APA 6th edition format. Please ensure that you format it appropriately.  A minimum of 15 references are expected. 10 of the 15 must be of good quality academic sources.
14    Appendices:
14.1    Theoretical Model / Coding structure
14.2    Any other documentation that you feels helps with the understanding of your report.

Ideas and Understanding    a.    Response to assessment tasks: Excels in response to assessment tasks

b.    Development of complex ideas: Interesting. Demonstrates development of complex tasks.
c.    Level of understanding: Appropriately limits and defines terms. Central ideas are clearly and succinctly communicated.
d.    Critical Evaluation: Understands and critically evaluates supporting evidence / reference material.
e.    Reflection: In-depth and logical reflection on actual experiences and learnings from the project. Reflections highlight underlying reasons and personal learnings from the experience.   

Supporting Evidence   

a.    Citations: Uses citations appropriately and effectively, providing sufficient evidence.

b.    Supportive explanations and justification: Explanations supported and justified convincingly.

Organisation and Coherence

a.    Progression of ideas: Uses logical structure appropriate to assessment tasks.
b.    Arrangement of and transition between sentences: Transitional sentences often develop and link ideas and identify their logical relations.
c.    Topic sentences for each paragraph: Paragraphs have topic sentences guiding the reader through the chain of reasoning or progression of ideas.   


a.   Choice of words: Chooses words for their precise meaning and uses discipline appropriate language.
b.    Writing style: Writing style fits assessment task.
c.    Sentence structure: Sentences are varied, yet clearly structured, focused and succinct.    


a.    Grammar: No grammatical errors.
b.    Spellings: No spelling errors.
c.    Referencing / Citation Format: References formatted in APA style (6th edition).
d.    Formatting:    Submission    is    professionally formatted and well presented.       

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