Correlation between the GDP and the Mobile Market Assignment

  1. Comparing the Gross Domestic Production, known as GDP, with food movements in broad spectrum, we may be able to deduce that there has to be some correlation. It is quite an evident thing to notice that time and again we witness the fluctuations in the GDP, in the same direction, the changes and fluctuations bound to take place in Food as well as in Health and Food indexes. Consider an example: lets consider a statement as an example: one says: “I would wish to spend more on food which do not contain the artificial additives”. From this it is easy to infer that the GDP reduces. Hence, the line exemplifying this proclamation will also witness a downward slopping.
  2. Taking the comparison between health and fitness that with obesity, no direct correlation is found. By the graphical presentation, we may be able to say that the relationship index is quite stable and no fluctuations are noted, for that matter. Nevertheless, the obesity has a relation with the sports, where if obesity increases, the sports activity also increases.
  3. No correlation is established between the GDP growth and fall and the health and fitness association. These are very much stable in nature comparing them with the fluctuations in Gross Domestic Production.
  4. There are retorts that are contradicting within the trend cluster and they connected to the ripostes in some another trend cluster. This cluster may be: ‘I am a one time buyer and do not switch to other brands very often if I find the brand convincing.’ While the other could be ‘I love to switch to newer brands there by trying new and different food products.’, or for that matter we have an another category:  ‘I am fond of take away meals.’ The other could be categorized as ‘I think fast food is all junk food.’
  5. The correlation between the GDP and the Mobile Market is quite evident. The relation is direct where a change in GDP reflects the fluctuation in the revenue. Though currently, both the GDP and the mobile market revenue is increasing in the same direction at faster velocity. Get this Marketing Ideas Assignment.
  6.  The same trend is well observed with the liaison of GDP and Mobile Services Revenue.
  7. Mobile users’ trend uncovers the fact that both males and females are prominent users of Nokia. These genders are less likely to switch and use some other brand than Nokia. However, the fact remains unchanged that Nokia’s brand loyal customers range in the age group of 55+. The rest of the brands have mostly equal amount of shares in distinguished age strata. While Blackberry users are in the age group of 16-24.
  8. My view point and familiarity go same as the graphical presentation of the figures.
  9. I conducted a survey within my class which signifies that half of the samples which is 50%, are the users of Blackberry mobile phones while the rest are the users of some others brands like Nokia, HTC and INQ. The point is, these all are smart phone users and having smart phones only.
  10. There are data collected for the usage of telephones with a view to accessing data. For that amongst the two genders, i.e., male and female, it was found out that the women uses more phones and more often than males to access the data. This data usage was constructed by the sex and age group, the main demographical segmentation and research activity. More to it, the female age group which used phones more often was the female within the age group of 16-24. They are termed as the heaviest data users.

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