Report for Consumer Behaviour

Details (optional/suggested breakdown of word limit in brackets)
Introduction and the New Consumer Product or Service
Provide a brief and fully referenced introduction to the report including:
-                     Introduction to the chosen organisation.
-                     Discussion of the new product/service that this organisation does not currently offer, but one that consumers and the organisation would regard as plausible, together with justification as to why this should be offered.
-                     Logical and clearly profiled consumer target market (if there are multiple target markets then state this in your report but focus on and profile just one). Remember to utilise both consumer- rooted and consumption-specific segmentation criteria in your profile.
-                     Justification for all your decisions.
Issues Facing Consumers in Adopting this New Product or Service
Provide a fully referenced literature review identifying four (4) consumer issues (NOT company issues) that are considered facilitators and barriers to the adoption of the new product/service/App. This literature review will inform your primary data collection in the next section. Consider the following:
-                     Consumer issues can be perceived as either facilitators of or barriers to adoption of a product/service. Facilitators would be positive consumer issues, and barriers would be negative consumer issues.
-                     Use the Deakin University Library Research site and the MMK266 Library site to find information.
-                     You need to understand consumers’ issues before you can market to them so this review of the literature leads to your question formation in Part 3.
-                     Consumer issues identified may involve any sociocultural and psychological factors including, but not limited to, attitudes, beliefs, learning, social influences, culture, social class, decision- making, etc.
Consumer Response to these Issues
Collect data from four (4) people who are members of the primary target market proposed in part 1 of your report through semi-structured interviews (not surveys or any other form of data collection) and obtain their reactions to the consumer issues you identified in part 2 of the report. Make sure you:
-                     Clearly identify to the reader that the respondents are members of the proposed target market. A table comparing the respondents’ characteristics to those of the proposed target market profile may assist.
-                     Refer to some introductory market research texts for guidance if you are unsure about primary data collection – must be qualitative and collected through semi-structured interviews, but these can be face-to-face, telephone or electronic.
-                     Analyse the consumer responses and identify the implications for the organisation from a consumer  behaviour perspective.
-                     Provide the data you collected in full and complete form relating to each of the four (4) respondents in an appendix to the report. For example, do not just attach the list of questions you asked the answers from each of the respondents have to be included as well verbatim (word for word).
Recommendations  and Conclusion
Make sure your  recommendations:
-                     Identify whether the organisation should or should not offer this new product/service to the identified target market as identified in part 1 of the report.
-                     Relate back to the consumer issues you identified in part 2 of the report.
-                     Are based on the results of your primary data collection from part 3 of the report.

-                     Are strategic (an easy way to do this is to align them with the marketing mix elements concerned).
-                     Are fully referenced and justified. Make sure your conclusion:
-                     Links to the rest of your report
-                     Highlights the significant elements of your report
-                     Does not include new material

The following Assignment Rubric indicates how marks will be awarded. NOTE: Total word count is 4,000 words. You have some flexibility in where you put the emphasis. The word count in the above table is a guide only.

Primary data collection:

As this assignment requires you to collect primary data, approval for this research has been granted by the Faculty Human Ethics Advisory Group. It is strongly suggested that you familiarise yourselves with the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Research, particularly section 2.2.1 “Guidelines for Consent” paying particular attention to the section on informed and voluntary “free” consent and the protection of privacy. Please do not identify people by their real name in the Report. see . Identify respondents in your report and “Respondent 1”, “Respondent 2”, etc.

Writing and formatting:
General writing issues such as poor spelling, grammar, English expression, formatting, and the like will attract penalties ranging from 10% to 100% of the available marks depending on severity. This is to be formatted as a simple report (not an essay) and is to be written as if you are an independent business consultant – NOTE: Letter of Transmittal, Executive Summary/Abstract and Methodology sections are NOT required. Your assignment is to be formatted as follows:
-                      One MS word document only, A4 size
-                      12 point, Times New Roman font
-                      Fully justified paragraphs, 1.5 or double spaced
-                      Normal margins (2.54 cm left, right, top and bottom)

Word count:

Assignments which go over the 4,000 word limit will, in fairness to other students, be penalised between 10% and 100% of the available marks depending on severity. The word count does not

include the Title Page, Table of Contents, List of References and Appendices. One of the skills assessed in this assignment is your ability to write succinctly and within the criteria set. Please include the Word count on the Title Page.

Sources of information:

It is required that you utilise, and correctly reference, at least 10 sources of information throughout the report, with a minimum of 7 of these being peer-reviewed articles. You must use the Harvard style of referencing in this report correctly.

Late  submissions/ Extensions:

The assignment is due on Monday 7 September at 5.00 pm AEST in the CloudDeakin drop box. Extensions to the dates for submission of this assignment will be considered only if a written request with supporting documentation is submitted to and approved by the Unit Chair at least 82 hours BEFORE the due date/time of submission.

Assignments submitted late without an extension being granted will not be marked. These will be held until final grading and may be taken into consideration in a pass/fail situation. Please note that for an assignment to be considered in this manner it must be submitted no more than 7 days after the stated due date for submission. Further, if you find yourself in this situation the Faculty of Business and Law policy in these cases is that students need to achieve at least 45% overall for any concessions for your late assessment to be taken into consideration. In this case, that means you need 75% or more on the exam.

Please note the following are not reasons for assignment extensions - servers and computers crashing, slow or unreliable networks, pressing the wrong button, losing or submitting backup copies, and power failures. Have a contingency plan so you can submit well ahead of time.


Performance Indicators
Does not meet requirements or Somewhat unsatisfactory
Very Good
New Consumer Product/Service
(0 – 4 marks) Issues may include:
*No or limited description of organisation
*Implausible or unlikely new product/service
*No or limited target market profile presented
*No or limited justification for new product/service
(5 – 6 marks) Issues may include:
*Brief outline of organisation’s functions
*Plausible but not very insightful new product/service
*Fair target market profile presented
*Adequate justification for new product/service
(6 – 7 marks) Issues may include:
*Good description of organisation including aspects such as functions, industry, and the like
*Reasonably insightful new product/service
*Good target market profile presented
*Good justification for new product/service
(7 – 8 marks) Issues may include:
*Very good description of organisation including aspects such as functions, industry, market share, market growth and the like
*Very good insightful new product/service
*Very good target market profile presented
*Good justification for new product/service
(8 – 10 marks) Issues may include:
*Excellent description and analysis of organisation detailing functions, industry, market share, market growth and the like
*Excellent and insightful creative new product/service
*Excellent target market profile presented
*Excellent justification for new product/service
Issues Facing Consumers
(0 – 14 marks) Issues may include:
*Zero mark is mandatory if no peer- reviewed articles utilised
*Contains little or no real analysis of any peer-reviewed articles
*Limited explanation and justification of the consumer issues analysed by demonstrating rudimentary theoretical and practical knowledge and links to part 1
(15 – 17 marks) Issues may include:
*Satisfactory but limited analysis of any peer-reviewed articles
*Satisfactory explanation and justification of the consumer issues analysed by demonstrating basic theoretical and practical knowledge and links to part 1
(18 – 20 marks) Issues may include:
*Contains reasonable analysis of peer-reviewed articles
*Good explanation and justification of the consumer issues analysed by demonstrating theoretical and practical knowledge and links to part 1
(21 – 23 marks) Issues may include:
*Contains very good analysis of peer-reviewed articles
*Very good explanation and justification of the consumer issues analysed by demonstrating well-developed theoretical and practical knowledge and links to part 1
(24 – 30 marks) Issues may include:
*Contains excellent analysis of peer-reviewed articles
*Excellent explanation and justification of the consumer issues analysed by demonstrating comprehensive theoretical and practical knowledge and links to part 1

Consumer Response to these Issues
(0 – 14 marks) Issues may include:
*Zero mark is mandatory if no consumer interviews conducted
*Less than 4 consumer interviews
*Respondents poorly aligned with proposed target market from part 1
*Poorly linked to consumer issues from part 2
*Few insights into likelihood of adoption and  justification for this
(15 – 17 marks) Issues may include:
*4 consumer interviews
*Respondents vaguely aligned with proposed target market from part 1
*Limited link to consumer issues from part 2
*Some insights into likelihood of adoption and justification for this
(18 – 20 marks) Issues may include:
*4 consumer interviews
*Respondents clearly aligned with proposed target market from part 1
*Good link to consumer issues from part 2
*Good insights into likelihood of adoption and justification for this
(21 – 23 marks) Issues may include:
*4 consumer interviews
*Respondents very clearly aligned with proposed target market from part 1
*Very good linking to consumer issues  from part 2
*Very good insights into likelihood of adoption and justification for this
(24 – 30 marks) Issues may include:
*4 consumer interviews
*Respondents aligned extremely well with proposed target market from part 1
*Excellent linking to consumer issues from part 2
*Excellent insights into likelihood of adoption and justification for this
Recommendations and Conclusion
(0 – 14 marks) Issues may include:
*Not well linked, if at all, to issues facing consumers from part 2
*Little or no integration of issues and consumer views from part 3
*Little justification for conclusion and recommendations not strategically based
(15 – 17 marks) Issues may include:
*Acceptable use of consumers’ ideas about new product/service from part 3
*Acceptable linkage to issues facing consumers  from part 2
*Limited justification for conclusion and recommendations somewhat strategically based
(18 – 20 marks) Issues may include:
*Reasonable use of consumers' ideas about new product/service from part 3
*Reasonably well linked to issues facing consumers from part 2
*Good justification for conclusion and recommendations strategically based
(21 – 23 marks) Issues may include:
*Strong insights into consumers' ideas about new product/service from part 3
*Strong linkage of issues and consumer views from part 2
*Very good justification for conclusion and recommendations strategically based
(24 – 30 marks) Issues may include:
*Excellent insights into consumers' ideas about new product/service from part 3
*Very strong linkage of issues and consumer views from part 2
*Excellent justification for conclusion and recommendations comprehensively strategically based

Out of 100 marks – In addition, the marker will provide overall comments on the assignment. Marks will be moderated for fairness and consistency. Failing assignments will be reviewed prior to marks being released. Further feedback on the assignment (but not a review of marks) will be available on request.

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