Key Points to make policy letter

With this blog you will be writing a report. It is an analytical and applied piece of writing using a supplied format that makes you analyse a policy problem in a very structured manner. The policy tripod makes you examine the economic efficiency, social effectiveness (targeting) and political feasibility of your proposal. 

The components of the policy proposal (format) must include:

1.  Title Page
2.  Letter of Transmittal
3.  One Page Summary
4.  Policy Problem Statement
5.  Policy Analysis – Using the Policy Tripod
6.  Proposed public consultation
7.  Implementation
8.  Evaluation & the specific Recommendation
9.  A separate Postscript:Policy Reflection Addendum

1.  Title Page

The title page of your policy proposal should include the usual details and a simple one or two line title for your policy proposal.

2.  Letter of Transmittal

Identify your fictional position, your fictional organisation and to whom you are writing this policy for. For instance: you may be in the public service, writing for the Minister. Your letter of transmittal identifies you, who you are writing the proposal for, and why. It is brief – two to three paragraphs. Its purpose is to indicate who specifically is your decision maker (by name and title): why it has been written, and what it recommends. There should be no detail.

3.  One-Page Summary of your Policy Proposal

You succinctly identify the issue (defining the problem, explaining why it is an issue and locating it within the context of related policy) and the recommendation – summarising your analysis using the policy tripod. You may use bullet points, headings and sub-headings. You should be able to say what your proposal is in one or two sentences.
If you cannot do this – it is not clear in your mind. Indicate exactly what your policy will do in relation to a specific policy problem.

4.  Problem Statement & the specific Recommendation

This is where you define the problem you are addressing and say what your recommendation is. You may state options – but you must indicate (up the front) your specific recommendation. Analysis of the values and principles underlying the policy proposal – this will be important – so that the policy can be placed within the context of the government’s approach to governing. It goes to the heart of what a government (or an organization) is and is not about. Although the exercise is fictional it is to be made as realistic as possible, with your policy analysis based on real research and evidence. This means that the values and policies of current political parties, governments and oppositions need to be taken into account. Do not waste space with pages of background information – a page of background is enough.

5.  Policy Analysis – Using the Policy Tripod

This is the section that should be the bulk (space and words) of your assignment. You will analyse your policy and its context (e.g. in relation to existing policies, politics and programs); assessment of relevant research (both Australian and international) that may inform policy direction. You must interrogate your policy using the policy tripod:
  • Economic efficiency
  • Social effectiveness (including social equity considerations)
  • Political feasibility (including stakeholder analysis & trade-offs)

The policy must pass the test of this tripod – it must be economically efficient (the cost and revenue sources declared), socially effective (that it targets the specific group or behaviour that requires attention, and leakage is minimised and it is here that you can raise social equity and justice issues and where relevant, Australia’s responsibilities under international Human Rights Treaties) and politically feasible (it can gain enough support by key stakeholders to be passed). This will mean trade-offs between economic efficiency and social effectiveness to gain political support. Gathering coalitions of support and how to handle opponents is therefore important.

In the Political feasibility section there is to be a stakeholder analysis: Identification of the major stakeholders and their stances on the issue (e.g. pressure groups, peak bodies such as ACOSS, political parties, citizen advocates, international watch dogs etc.). Don’t forget other government departments and other levels of government – they are also (important) stakeholders. What is their relative power? Are they prepared to use it on this issue? Who is likely to be neutral or support/oppose the proposal? How can a winning coalition be put together? How can opposition be sidelined or at least contained?

6.  Plans for public consultation

What methods of public or community engagement or public consultation need to be specified and justified (drawing on unit materials as to methods). Will you use deliberative democracy? How much credence will be given to community sentiment and by what methods?

7.  Implementation

Identification of the institutional arrangements relevant to the policy area and assessment of effectiveness – the current law, are changes to legislation needed? Can it be done by a regulation? Are there any impediments? Any jurisdictional or constitutional problems ie are there Commonwealth-State relations implications? How might the policy be implemented? What tools will be used? What would an implementation plan look like? This is a very minor but important part of the assignment.

8.  Evaluation

How might the policy be evaluated? How do we know ‘what works’? And for whom? Is it vaule for money? Who should do the evaluation? This is a minor part of the assignment – a paragraph will do, but nonetheless important. Please do not exceed the word limit in this assignment (3000 words). This also means that you must not hide words in excess of the word limit in appendices or footnotes.

9.  Postscript:Policy Reflection Addendum

in a paragraph, you need to reflect on the policy analysis issues that are most pressing in your proposal and give reasons why this is the case. This means drawing on your unit materials. For example, this might include reflections on power and interests, implementation, public value etc. and is a vehicle for you to demonstrate your knowledge of key debates/resources/thinkers. This links the policy analysis work you have done to your assignment area and the issues raised.

Corporate Finance Assignment

Bongrain, based in France, is one of the world leading dairy companies. According to figures supplied by the International Dairy Federation (IDF), Bongrain is in the top 20 global dairy companies with a 2014 net sales of approximately 4.4 billion Euros. The company currently employs 19,301 people and its flagship products are specialties cheeses that are sold worldwide. Bongrain has a strong presence in Europe, Africa, North and South America and some Asian countries. Nevertheless, Bongrain is yet to penetrate the Australasian market. Its strategy to do so is to buy a controlling stake in a local dairy company that allows Bongrain quick access to the Australian dairy market. Bongrain aims to acquire a local company that has a strong market standing as well as a solid financial position. The in-house financial analyst team at Bongrain identified two Australian companies that can serve this purpose: Bega Cheese (ASX code: BGA) and Warrnambool Cheese and Butter (ASX code: WCB). Nevertheless, due to its lack of local knowledge, Bongrain has secured the service of Crescendo Partners in assisting Bongrain with the potential buy-in.
You are working as a consultant at Crescendo Partners and you report directly to the Corporate Finance director. You and your team have been asked by the Director to prepare a report to Bongrain that contains the following information
  1.  An overview of the Australian dairy industry and the relative strength (i.e market share) of the two companies identified above.
  2. Detailed financial analyses (liquidity, profitability and capital structure) of each of the three companies using current and historical financial reports in the last 3 years. Based on these analysis, please provide a justified recommendation to Bongrain as to which company would best serve Bongrain’s strategic direction.
  3. Detailed calculations of the intrinsic value of the company that you recommend in Part 2 using one or more valuation techniques.

The report should follow a proper format with an executive summary followed by sub-sections addressing the points above.
Note that the aforementioned Australian dairy companies are listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX). As a result, their financial reports are publicly available on the companies’ respective websites. Further company research can also be accomplished through databases such as Connect4 or FinAnalysis accessible through the library website.

Marketing Analytic Assignment


Alibaba’s IPO (initial public offering) is currently the world’s largest initial stock offering,   raising $25 billion for the company. Alibaba, a Chinese e-commerce firm, made its stock market debut at the New York Stock Exchange on 19 September 2014, with an initial offering price of $68 per share and closed at $94.89, representing an increase of 38%. This big first-day pop in the share price prompted its underwriters to exercise the option to purchase an additional 48 million shares, taking the total number of shares sold to 368 million (Chen et al., 2014b). Alibaba’s IPO has boosted the net worth of its founder and chairman, Jack Ma, to over $16 billion, making him the richest man in China (Chen et al., 2014a).


Inspired by Alibaba’s IPO success, Jeff Parker, the CEO of Dynamic Technology Solutions, a private internet-related service company, is planning to raise equity through an initial public offering. Jeff is going to propose the plan to the company’s major shareholders, but worries about resistance from some of the shareholders, who are known to be conservative. He remembered from his MBA finance course that many IPOs in the US were issued at prices substantially below the first day closing market prices. However, he was not sure whether the short-run IPO under-pricing phenomenon exists in the Australian stock market. Jeff asks you,  the Chief Financial Analyst, to investigate and prepare a report on the following issues.

1.    Short-run IPO under-pricing is a well-known phenomenon in the US stock market. But is this phenomenon unique to US IPO firms only? In other words, does this phenomenon perhaps also exist in the Australian stock market? To answer this question, you need to investigate the short- run IPO performance in the Australia stock market. To measure the short-run IPO performance, you will have to calculate and analyse the initial return of IPOs that were listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) from 1 January 2012 to 30 June 2013. The initial return (Ritter   1991, p. 7) equals:
[ (The last trading price at the end of the first day of trading – initial offering price) / initial offering price ] * 100.

Download the list of IPO firms with their issue price and the first trading day closing price from Morningstar DatAnalysis Premium. The initial offering price is called the issue price in DatAnalysis. Ignore those IPO without issue price in the spreadsheet downloaded from DatAnalysis. Also, make sure you select the adjusted price for the closing price. Describe the sample selection process.

Critically analyse the results of your calculation using the entire sample and describe the insights that could be gained from the calculation. For instance, you could describe the results of the analysis using simple descriptive statistics, such as mean, median, etc., or the frequency distribution.

Next, categorise your data/calculations into groups using three variables (e.g. industry) and describe what additional insights you could gain from the analysis. You will decide which grouping variables you will use and provide justification(s) for your selection. You should also  list any assumptions made in the analysis.
Wherever appropriate, the summary of your analysis and/or results (e.g., in a brief table, chart or graph) should be presented in the main text of your report. However, the data, detailed calculation/analysis and results should be presented in the Excel spreadsheet, which must be embedded in the Appendix section of your report. Note that 2 marks are allocated for  organising and presenting the calculation/analysis and results in the embedded Excel Spreadsheet and report. In addition, you must properly reference (Harvard style) all sources of information   used.   

2.    Select and discuss two theories/propositions that in your opinion provide the most plausible explanations for the occurrence of short-run IPO under-pricing in the US and/or Australian stock market. Perform some background research and use the findings to justify your selection. You are expected to use at least two academic references for this task. You may use articles from academic journals or textbooks, but not Wikipedia, Investopedia or other non-academic  Internet websites.  You must properly reference (Harvard style) all sources of information  used.

3.    Pick one stock market from the Asia-Pacific1 region (excluding the Australian stock Market). Perform some background research and then describe one study that empirically investigates the existence of short-term IPO under-pricing in the selected stock market. To answer this question, you are expected to describe the study (including the research methodology used to examine the existence of short-term IPO under-pricing in the selected stock market) and the empirical results on the degree of short-term IPO under-pricing, and discuss the reason(s) proposed by the study to explain the existence of under-pricing in relation to the two theories discussed in Question (2). In attempting this task, you are expected to use at least three academic references. You may use articles from academic journals or textbooks, but not Wikipedia, Investopedia or other non-academic Internet websites. You must properly reference (Harvard style) all sources of  information used.                                                                    

Assignment on Banking Security

Assignment Completion Method:        

Your assignment will involve two important phases, which will require you to:

Part A:
Answer the following questions:
  1. Question 1: What is a Firewall and how do they protect a business? (~250 Words)
  2. Question 2: Phishing is a type of scam. What is the purpose of phishing emails? List and describe four basic steps can you use to avoid phishing scams? (~250 Words)
  3. Question 3: Discuss the relationship between surveillance and privacy. Identify and describe what safeguards exist to protect the individual? (~250 Words)
  4. Question 4: Describe ‘social commerce’ and discuss three potential benefits to customers and 3 potential benefits to the business. (~250 Words)

Part B:

Use the Toulmin’s Model of Argument to analyse the supplied Assignment Case Study (see the Assignment Case Study section below) and provide your opinion on the strength or weakness of the argument with relation to the Claim that we have provided.  (~ 600 words).
You MUST use these instructions to complete the ‘Your Opinion’ section of Part B:
To apply the model to test the validity/strength of a CLAIM the reader must examine each sentence in the article and categorise them as a Toulmin element or as an unnecessary extra e.g. ‘opinion’, ‘hearsay’, ‘definitions’ etc. Once all sentences have been categorised then the elements should be examined in sequence.
  1. What is the CLAIM? We have provided this for you already.
  2. Is there any DATA to support the CLAIM? If so how much? The quantity and quality of DATA can suggest the strength of the CLAIM.
  3. Is there a WARRANT (Explicit or Implicit)? Explicit WARRANTS are often stronger because the author can direct the reader to accept the CLAIM. Implicit WARRANTS leave the reader’s opinion open to interpretation and this may go against the author’s  intended purpose.
  4. Is there BACKING? If so how much? The quantity and quality of BACKING can suggest strength of the WARRANT and thus may increase the strength of the CLAIM.
  5. Is there a REBUTTAL? The quantity and scope of the REBUTTAL may reduce the strength of the CLAIM and thus dissuade the reader’s acceptance of the CLAIM.
  6. Is there a QUALIFIER? If so, to what extent does it reduce the scope of the CLAIM because this will impact on the strength of the CLAIM?

Your Opinion – this is a personal perception based on your interpretation of the article. The presence, quality and quantity of the different Toulmin elements must be applied to make this critical assessment.

Learning Objectives:

In the process of this assessment task you will:
Gain an understanding of:
·                     Protecting and managing business information resources from unauthorised online      access;                         
·                     The deceptive aspects and mitigation strategies to counter against socially engineered online scams;
·                     The fundamental counter‐balance between surveillance and individual privacy;
·                     The benefits of a ‘social commerce’ approach for customers and business.
·                     Gain a fundamental understanding of Toulmin’s Model of Argument;
·                     Learn to apply the argument model for critical analysis of a case study; and,
·                     Demonstrate your critical thinking skills as applied to the argument Claim.

Assignment Case Study:

Claim: >>> Australian anticrime authorities can’t protect Australian businesses against cybercrime
Internet‐enabled crime is the greatest challenge to law‐enforcement in the 21st century, particularly in terms of differing trans‐border jurisdictions, the risk to our national security, privacy, business data and the potential impact it could have on the economy overall. Hence it seems surprising of the 20,329 staff members in the New South Wales Police Force there are only 95 working in the cyber and fraud division. Based on this you would have to ask the question; Is Detective Superintendent Arthur Young, Commander of the NSW Fraud and Cyber Crime Squad, equipped to deal with threat from internet‐related crime?
Young acknowledges, "There's no commander that would say they've got enough resources to combat this issue, but that's something we're working towards.” Young also declared "I don't think you can ever be fully prepared however, we've got some good systems in place to do what we want in terms of mostly identifying and preventing a lot of the cybercrime." The NSW Crime Commission's latest annual report states that uncrackable smart phones are hindering criminal investigations with at least two murder investigations in Sydney recently being affected.
In response to the technological issues Superintendent Young also usually seeks collaboration from private companies, such as Apple and Google. Young would also like to see the punishments associated with cybercrime increased to match other crimes such as robbery because currently they are disproportionate. Given the Internet is borderless, transnational crime is also something Young has to deal with. When it comes to solving trans‐border cybercrime, the NSW Police has a good relationship with the FBI, US Homeland Security and Britain's Scotland Yard. Yet, relationships with some other overseas anticrime agencies need improving if we are to be more effective in combatting trans‐border cybercrime.
With respect to local cybercrime, Superintendent Young says advancements are constantly being made to prevent cybercrime hence we are not losing the race just keeping pace! Young further hopes that sometime in the near future business organisations will be required by law to divulge publicly if they have had a data breach noting “if companies don't report breaches, how do we know it's actually occurring?" Alarmingly, Young said "I think one of the challenging things for law enforcement in NSW or globally is the fear of investigating cybercrime or fraud‐related crime because it is difficult to prove so it is often ignored."

"Dates of births are one of the greatest sought‐after pieces of personal information that ID criminals are looking for. Robert Chan from the National Crime Authority (NCA) acknowledged community education on cybercrime avoidance performed by various anticrime bodies is helping to reduce cybercrime occurrence. Mr Chan also noted at the recent Australian ‘Unity Against Cybercrime Conference’ (UACC) a working party of anticrime organisation heads was established to develop a unified approach for the detection of and the defence of Australian Businesses against cybercrime.

Enterprise Information Management Assignment

This assignment will provide  understanding of the material covered in Module 3. In Module 3, we discussed big data in the classroom and analytics in the workshops. While big data is the “talk of the town”, the reality is that most of us deal with small to medium data sets, or data sets that could be crunched on a single computer rather than a “big data” set up. The more important skill is therefore the ability to apply analytics to data sets, which is what we shall focus on in this assessment.

 Case Study

Banking industry has long been at the forefront of using data analytics in global competitive world for various purposes such as marketing, predicting churns, loan defaults, etc. In this assignment, you will act as the data analyst for USB Bank, who is a new competitor to other banks in the country. USB rolled out one of its marketing campaigns through phone calls in which the bank clients were contacted usually more than once in order to access if the product, namely term deposit, would be subscribed or not.

The data has been collected and you were given the data set on CloudDeakin. Further, you were told about the following information that is relevant to the data set.
  •  This data set is multivariate with attributes that have categorical and numeric values.
  •  There are 17 different attributes in the data set and there are 500 cases (or instances). There are some missing values in the data set.
  •  The data set covers aspects such as: (a) client related information, (b) campaign related information, (c) subscription to term deposit

                 o     The client related information describes various characteristics such as balance in                                  bank account, age, job, marital, education, etc.

o    The campaign related information describes communication types, contacts made with the clients during this phone calls campaign, the last contact duration and also the history of contacts with clients for previous campaigns.

o    The attribute ‘subscribe’ is the goal for classification to identify the likelihood of client subscription to term deposit. It is an attribute that takes the values of “yes” or “no”.

 Task 1
Download “bankingdata.csv” and “banking-­‐header-­‐description.txt” from CloudDeakin. Produce an Orange loadable file based on your experience in processing the data in the last workshop. If you are unsure of how to do this, reflect the activity of the last workshop and review the following link

Task 2
Using your knowledge of classification, regression and data exploration, answer the following questions

·         Produce a model that can classify whether the client subscribes to term deposit. That is, given a client’s information and campaign information, the classifier should produce a class label showing the likely subscription to term deposit.

·         What would be the top five attributes that best determine the subscription to term deposit? In listing the top five attributes, discuss how you determine them and supplement with appropriate Orange files if available. Your discussion should be in about 500 words.

·         Produce a model to predict the likely balance of a given client’s information and campaign information.

·         Can we predict the balance for clients who are “widowed” and “defacto”? If no, explain why. If yes, explain how you would do so. Discuss in about 500 words.

Task 3
Discuss how you would ensure that the models you produced in Task 2 are reliable and accurate. Discuss this in about 500 words.

Task 4
As noted in the introduction, there are missing values in the data set. Discuss what you would do with these missing values. Do you remove them, attempt to provide values to these unknowns, or attempt a combination of different techniques? Your discussion should be in about 500 words.

There are a few artifacts that you will need to submit for this assignment. Zip them into a single archive and upload your submission on CloudDeakin.

·         The Orange formatted file that can be loaded into Orange without errors.

·      A word document containing any discussions about your attempt/approach of Task 2 and also the written discussions of Task 3 and Task 4. Appropriate referencing or citations of referenced material are applied in these discussions.

·         The Orange files to load and test your models in Task 2.

Marking rubrics
There are four tasks in this assignment. A grade will be awarded to each task and then an overall mark determined for the entire assessment task. The rubric below gives you an idea of what you must achieve to earn a certain ‘grade’.

As a general rule, to meet a ‘credit’, you must first satisfy the requirements of a ‘pass’. And for a High distinction, you must first satisfy the requirements of a ‘distinction’, which must of course first meet the requirements of a ‘credit’, and so on.

Your final grade will be decided based on the grades for each component in the assessment. It is not a simple average but rather, a final consideration of how you performed as a whole informed by the grades of each component.

High Distinction
Task 1: Loading of data
File could load with
File loads with some
File loads without
File loads without
into Orange
some errors but can
errors but can proceed
errors and on

proceed with some
without intervention

inspection of its

intervention by marker
by the marker

formatting has all the

required Orange meta-­‐

Task 2: Models (bullets
Appropriate model
Good model chosen,
Excellent model
Excellent model
1 and 2)
chosen, works with
works without marker
chosen, works without
chosen, works without

minimal intervention
intervention, produces
intervention, produces
intervention, produces

from marker, produces
good predictions
accurate predictions
accurate predictions

sensible predictions

and accompanied by a
and accompanied by

good relevant
excellent well-­‐

researched, thoughtful

and relevant

Task 2: Discussions
Correct and logical
Correct and logical
Correct, logical and
Correct, logical,
(bullets 3 and 4), Tasks
discussion to
discussion that well
researched supported
thoughtful and well-­‐
3 and 4
sufficiently support the
supports the answer
discussion that
researched discussion


strongly supports the
that strongly supports

the answer