Consumer Behaviour Perception Assignment


The purpose of this assignment is to develop and demonstrate your understanding of the internal influencing factors – perception, learning and attitudes, and the external influencing factor - sub culture (age & gender) by applying to real life marketing.


Find TWO print adverts (e.g. newspaper or magazine); one that clearly targets females and the other that targets males. The adverts must be ones that you like or that you think are effective adverts in terms of having a positive effect on consumer behaviour or attitudes. NB You MUST either attach the original or provide a copy of the advert (no adverts from the internet please) and state clearly where they are from (i.e. Magazine title, date).


Write a brief report (you do NOT need an introduction or conclusion) that COMPARES & CONTRASTS the adverts in the following way. You are expected to use appropriate terminology and support your answers and descriptions with academic references (see below).
1. Describe and assess what perceptual organisation has been used in each advert (e.g. figure and ground, grouping, closure etc).

2. Identify which learning theory you think is primarily being used in each (Classical, Instrumental or Cognitive). Explain why using the theory.

3. Assess how you think the adverts will affect the attitudes of the target audience towards the product or brand being advertised using the ‘attitude-towards-the-ad’ model in the text book to explain.

4. Discuss which age subculture/s the adverts appeal to. Explain why.

5. Using the information from questions 1-4 discuss the key differences between the adverts in relation to gender (i.e. how & why does the advert appeal to males and females).

Assignment Format 


Your assignment can be written up in short answer format. Use headings to separate your answers. The maximum length of the assignment is 1000 words, excluding references, appendices and questions/question headings. This is not an essay style assignment, so bullet points can be used where appropriate. Please use 12 font and 1.5 spacing.

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