BSBPMG510A- Manage Projects Assignment

Assessment 1


Theory Questions

Answer the questions below as you progress through your course (50 words each):

1.     What is project management?  What are the characteristics of a ‘project’?

2.       What are the key deliverables in any project? (i.e What is expected as a minimum?)

3.       What is the role of a project manager?

4.       What is the PMBOK?

5.       Why is it important to link the project to organisational strategy?

6.       What are the usual steps that you would need to follow for any project?

7.   What are the five different type of organisational structures that a project manager may encounter?   In which type of organisational structure is the project manager likely to have most authority?  Draw this type of structure showing the lines of authority and communication.

8.       What are the four stages in a project life cycle?  

9.       What do you understand by ‘project scope’?

7.     Briefly explain what you understand by the following elements of a project plan

a.       A work breakdown schedule
b.      Key designated milestones

c.       Project charter

10.   Why is it necessary to have a working knowledge of the legislation involved in undertaking any project? Provide two examples of legislation that may impact on project management plans

11.   What are some of the challenges of working with a project team? 

12.   Describe three methods of providing information to project team members to ensure they are clear about their roles and responsibilities
13.   What steps will you take you do to ensure that your team is completing the tasks on time and within budget?
14.   To whom and how often will you need to monitor and report on project achievement?  Why?

15.   Records, of all aspects of the project should be stored in your organisation’s data system. What is the importance of these records?

16.   Explain what project closure is and the steps that need to be taken for closure and review?


Please read the case study below.  You are required to plan and manage a conference.  This is a big project and you need to follow project management principles to manage an effective conference.

Case Study

KFC is one of Australia’s famous fast food chains.  KFC has 100 franchisees across Australia.  The franchisees are invited for an annual conference that is managed by the head office in Brisbane.  The conference is a means of sharing best practice amongst franchisees, exchanging ideas about growth and profitability and learning new skills through professional development sessions. 

This annual conference is a key event in the KFC calendar and the CEO of KFC, Mike Shine, always wants to ensure that the conference is managed extremely well as the reputation of KFC worldwide depends on the conference.  He also wants to make sure that the program is interesting and the promotion is done in such a way that all the 100 franchisees commit to attending the conference. 

The conference for this year is due in 6 months and the CEO wants to invite international guest speakers (with their partners) and some international dignitaries from a number of countries.  The program will run for 2.5 days (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) in the last week of September.  The program will include one welcome function on Friday evening, 2 full days of presentations/ workshops on Saturday and Sunday followed by a social networking function on Saturday and formal cocktail evening on Sunday.  The Friday session will include an opening speech by a keynote speaker who has been invited from the US.  The Federal Minister for Trade will also be attending the Friday function.  On Saturday and Sunday, the delegates can attend options sessions that will run concurrently in 4 different rooms.

A total of 150 delegates 60% male and 50% female are expected including interstate and overseas franchisees and invited visitors.  The budget for the event is $75,000. The event will be funded by the head office in Brisbane.  The head office will cover all expenses for all the delegates; however the 100 franchisees will be paying for their own travel and accommodation costs. 

Mike Shine, the CEO also wants to open up the Friday welcome session to local business owners in Brisbane, as he believes it will help to raise KFC’s profile and raise some income to cover the costs of the Conference. He wants to sell tickets for the welcome function for $100 per person. He believes that the business owners will be willing to pay for entry as they will have an opportunity to meet the Minster for Trade and also network with other business people.  He hopes that at least 50 business people will attend the Friday evening function, which means that there will be 200 people attending on Friday in total

The conference must be run perfectly with no problems in relation to accommodation, airport pick up arrangements, guest services, venue arrangements, seating, equipment, training materials, gifts, functions, catering etc.

You have been asked to manage the whole project with a team of 4 other staff. You can use the head office to access computers, printers, photocopiers, telephones and other resources during the planning stages and also during the conference.  

You are required to look after the following:
·         Preparing a conference concept plan
·         Develop a draft program, including venue details and location map
·    Prepare a promotion plan (including your plan for promoting the function, media, publicity, invitations)
·         Prepare a budget
·         Prepare a work breakdown schedule (conference planning schedule with timelines)
·         Risk management Plan
·         Plan and make travel and accommodation arrangements for all guests
·         Plan for registration process and welcoming delegates
·         Plan for managing the conference and managing any issues
·         Manage the social functions

Please complete the assessments below

Assessment 2
Develop a Project Brief/ Conference Concept Plan

What you need to do

1.       Read the case study carefully and complete the following table:

Title of the Project you have to manage

Company details
Name of the Company

CEO’s name

What does the CEO want to achieve

Who are the key stakeholders?

What other information do you need to complete the project successfully?

What process will you follow to gather more information about the project?

2.       Develop a project brief/ conference concept plan by completing the following table.  If some information is not available, leave the section blank and go to Question 4.

Write your answers below
Name of the project

Name of the company requiring the project

Key contact person within the company who you will report to for the project

Purpose of the project

Why is the project important? How does the project relate the organization’s overall mission, goals and objectives?

Is the project linked to any other project that the company is undertaking? 

Project planning start date

Dates of the actual conference

Project end date

Budget allocated to the project

List of resources allocated to the project:
·         Financial resources
·         Human resources
·         Technology
 ·         Raw materials
 ·         Plant and equipment

Will you need any other resources?  How will you access the resources?

How many participants will be attending

What are the key objectives of the project?
Objective 1

Objective 2

Objective 3

What are the agreed deliverables/ measurable outcomes you need to achieve for project completion

Outcome 1

Outcome 2

Outcome 3

What steps will you take to ensure that the outcomes are delivered to the agreed standards and quality?

Responsibilities of the Project Manager/ Conference Planner (i.e YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES)

3.       Your trainer is a representative of KFC. He will give you a meeting time to give you any required clarification on the project.  If you were not able to find answers to any of the questions above, you need to have your questions prepared for this meeting. 

Write down a list of questions you need to ask the company representative, so you can complete your project brief/ Conference concept plan

Assessment 3

.Project Plan/ Conference Plan

Using the above case study, complete the following:

1.      Develop a detailed program for the conference

Conference Dates:

Venue/ Address:

Style of the Conference:

Key Speakers:

Program/ Session details
Room No
Any other information

Friday, XXX
Registration opens
Reception area

2.      Develop a promotion plan for the conference

1.          How will you promote the conference to the local businesses?

2.          What type of publicity material will you use? (e.g Flyers/ Newspaper Ads etc)

3.          Prepare a draft flyer for the Conference (to show an example of the publicity materials)

3.      List the major tasks (Work Breakdown Schedule) involved in the project in the order they will be carried out.

5-6 months ahead

3-4 months ahead

2 months ahead

1 month ahead

3 weeks ahead

2 weeks ahead

1 week ahead

During the conference

1 week after the conference

4.       Describe how you will assign tasks to team members internally and externally and give reasons why.  Provide a list of tam members with their specific roles and responsibilities.  Write your answer below

5.       Provide details of the type of training and support you will provide to the team members.

6.       Think about any cross-cultural issues that you might encounter. Explain how you will ensure that you deal effectively with people from diverse cultural backgrounds.

7.       Develop a risk management plan, identifying at least 10 risks and methods of avoiding or minimising the risk. Include at least 3 OHS risks. 

What can go wrong?
Likelihood of Risk?
(High/ Medium/ Low)
Impact of Risk?
(Very severe/ Medium/ Low
What strategies will you use to minimise the risk?
What action will you take if this goes wrong?
Example:  You send the wrong airport pick-up details to the participants and they are left waiting at the airport
I will get a team member to double check all the bookings and send the information to the participants
Apologize to the participant and offer a complimentary dinner and ensure the rest of his stay is extremely comfortable









8.       Develop a detailed project budget for the conference


Give details

Total income

Total for group  $
Give details
Accommodation for 3 nights
$150per person per night or $450 for 3 nights
50 participants X  $450

Total expenses

Surplus/ Deficit

 9.       Explain how you will seek approval for the above budget?

10.   Explain how you will ensure that you manage the program within the budget.

11.   Develop additional materials for the conference

1.    Write an invitation letter to the presenters. Include a question about any special requirements for their presentation

2.    Explain the process you will use to ensure that the presenter support materials, audio visual aids and media are ready for each presenter’s session. What is your back-up plan if the audio-visual system does not work at the last minute?

3.    Description of conference kit contents for the participants

4.    Develop a floor plan for the venue
12.   Describe a consultation, feedback and monitoring process to be used during planning and completion of the project and describe the benefits of this consultation.  Write your answer below

13.   Explain how you will establish and maintain records during and after completion of the project.  Write your answer below

14.   At what stages of the conference will you complete project documentation, reports and get the required sign offs? Why?

(Please complete the following survey about this subject. Your feedback is very important for us and we appreciate your comments)

1.     How often did you attend classes for this subject? 

Did not attend any lectures
Attended 1 day
Attended 2 days
Attended 3-4 days
Attended all the lectures
(100% attendance)
During this block, I …

2.     How did your trainer rate on the following attributes?
1 = Poor, 2 = Below Average, 3 = Average, 4 = Good, 5 = Very Good

Below Average
Very Good
Professionalism of the trainer

Friendliness of the trainer

Knowledge about the subject

Ability to make lessons enjoyable

Ability to explain things clearly

Willingness to help students

Understanding student needs

Approachability (Did you find it easy to ask your trainer for help?)

Level of academic support offered by the trainer

3.     Please respond to the following about your training program for this subject.
1 = Strongly Disagree, 2 = Disagree, 3 = Agree, 4 = Strongly Agree

Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
I developed skills in this subject area

I gained knowledge about this subject

The training has a good mix of theory and practical activities

The training helped me to learn new skills for work

Overall, I am satisfied with the training

The training was at the right level of difficulty

The trainer encouraged discussion and participation in class

The classes were interesting


The course materials  were good

The assessment methods were good

What did you like about this training program? _____________________________________________

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