Questionnaire for Data Collection Assignment

The Questionnaire designed for the purpose of data collection is as follows:

Good Morning

My name is Abdullah Alotaibi; I am a student of Brunel University in London. I am doing a research on the topic of impact of SAP implementation in industrial organisations. The Primary objective of my research is to find out challenges faced in implementing SAP system in the industrial companies. I will appreciate if you will help me in completing the research by answering some of the questions.


Name of the organisation…………………………………..Gender……Work exp....................

1.      From how many years you are working with this organisation?

2.      Have you got any prior work experience of SAP implementation process in your firm?

3.      How was the SAP implementation programme at your current organisation?

4.      Did you find any kind of problems in SAP implementation related to any of the following (Tick which ever applicable):

a)     Communication

b)     Technology infrastructure

c)      Change management

d)     Employee support

e)     Lack of proper training

f)       Lack of other resources

g)     If other please mention………………………………………………………………..

5.      Do you agree that the technological infrastructure is the main component of the SAP implementation plan in organisation?

a)     Strongly agree

b)     Agree

c)      Neutral

d)     Disagree

e)     Strongly disagree

6.      Was the top management initiated and implemented the changes required for the SAP implementation? (Y/N). Comment on the role of top management in SAP implementation. What is the role of top management in complete SAP implementation process?


7.      Do you think communication is the major element in SAP implementation plan? What kind of communication need to be established in successful SAP implementation? Communication here refers the process of establishing link between the employees who would be using the SAP and SAP implementation team?


8.      How can any organisation combat with the issues faced during SAP implementation in advance? List any dos and doesn’t which company can implement before SAP implementation?


9.      What are the key elements according to you for the successful SAP implementation program? (e.g. communication process, technology, top management etc.)


10.  What suggestions you will suggest for implementing the SAP (through your experience of SAP)?


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