Social Media Advertising Assignment

Social media is a good way to increase company’s trustworthiness and goodwill among the youngsters who are highly accustomed to the social networking sites now-a-days. Facebook which is one of the strongest social media platforms is being used by billions of youngsters on daily basis. Social media helps a company to understand what these youngsters like and what they don’t. Using this information companies can make effective advertisements and promotional campaigns. A marketer first need to know the taste, life style, behavior, likes and dislikes and accordingly he find out the product characteristics which can be used to sell the product. It will help in positioning the product also and hence will increase its acceptance in the target customer group. He can get all this information through social media like Facebook, Twitter, My Space etc. At these platforms youngsters, who have become highly computer –savvy, shares their personal information, their likes and lifestyle details. They also share which products they use and what good they found in them. When this information is shared between the friends, the other person makes his mind about the product. Social media gives a chance to a marketer to know the good and bad qualities perceived by the customers and he can reinforce the brand accordingly.

Lead Generation:

Social media also generates leads as a company gets information about the friend’s circle of an existing customer and hence it can approach them and give example of the existing customer as a person who has already used the product . Social media will give a chance to a company to directly engage with its customers which is very important today to make the customer associated with the company for a larger time (customer loyalty) and to sell other products of the company (or supplement products)  to the same customer. The company can also approach this customer base for pilot study of a product. Klososky has given a five element formula of Social marketing which helps a marketer to formulate an effective marketing strategy. These five elements are building productive websites, providing social technologies, using mobile tools to enable youngsters check the social media at random times, driving online traffic and measurement systems. He also focuses social media as an important platform for digital marketing which is highly effective, cheaper and full of information for a marketer. We-advertising is one of the most effective advertising mediums for companies and Social media helps in increasing the traffic on the website. Social media empowers a youngster to directly interact with the company can give his feedback about the product which is important for a marketer to improve the next version of the product especially electronic gadgets. Social Media is also a good platform for a marketer to advertise any event (exhibition, conference or customer-care campaigns) it is going to start shortly. As youngsters are less interested to read conventional newspapers rather they are more active at the social media, companies need to advertise these events at these places so that it can increase visibility of such events. The marketer will also get an idea about the number of people who are going to attend the given event.

Hence, Social media advertising is the best way for brands to communicate with the young adults. It is the best way to discover the customer’s preferences, to get his feedback, to position the brand, to change the attitude and to directly interact with the youngsters in the most cost-effective manner which is highly efficient, effective and widely accepted as well.

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