Adoption of Internet Banking Assignment

A comparative study of Saudi Arabia and United Kingdom.


Banking is evolving day by day and innovative services are offered by banks nowadays. Internet banking is getting popular with the invention of high speed internet services and increasing internet penetration and usage. The project will focus on the adoption of internet banking by the customers. The comparative study of the existing customers of the banks in United Kingdom and Saudi Arabia will be the focus of the research.

The research will be an exploratory research and will be carried out using primary data collected through surveying the customers. Apart from the primary data, literature review will be carried out using the sources like books, magazines, articles, journals and working papers.

Project Objectives

The project objectives are as follows:
1. To study the level of customer adoption for internet banking
2. To analyze and compare the customer adoption of internet banking in UK and Saudi Arabia.
3. To study the factors limiting the customers from using internet as a medium for banking

4. To study the factors encouraging the customers for using internet as a medium for banking

Learning Outcomes From this Project

The project summary is an indication of your intent to carry out a project in a certain field of discipline for a Masters level module.  

The project must be mindful of and demonstrate EACH of the following learning outcomes 
1. Apply intellectual rigor to a topic area or subject that is of interest to the student and relevant to the programme of study undertaken at a Masters level.
2. Conceptualise and articulate a particular area of research or industry requirement in the body of a coherent, comprehensive and logically argued professional report.  
3. Utilise and justify a range of research methods to identify, select and review a wide range of fully cited information sources to support the subject matter, both historical and current.
4. Identify and apply appropriate approaches, methodologies, tools and techniques that will support the progression of the subject matter and theme of a project.
5. Develop well structured solutions to an identifiable industry requirement or support a hypothesis / intellectual argument regarding an area of research. 
6. Critically evaluate options and make justifiable recommendations for the subject matter. 
7. Critically evaluate the approach and conduct of the project. 
8. Demonstrate and conduct a project to good project management characteristics and Quality Assurance techniques.
9. Apply appropriate measures to address any legal and ethical issues relating to the project work.
The project must fall in the scope of YOUR programme of study i.e. if you are an engineering student then your subject matter must be related to the world of Engineering although comparisons can be made to other disciplines, similarly for KM students then subject matter must be related to the world of ICT in support to the discipline of choice.

This document can form the basis of allocation of staff to your project.  This summary document will then be further worked for detail through a Project Proposal document, which will be similar to the document prepared in the study skills module.

Notes on the Document

General Subject Area (with Keywords) 

A broad topic area that defines the area of project and keywords that could be used in a search facility

Topic areas for Engineering it could be : Contract management, Engineering management, Engineering strategy, Entrepreneur and innovation , Finance / Decision making and risk, HRM, ICT, Lean management or operations, Manufacturing (/ simulation), Marketing, Production management, Project Management, Quality management, Supply Chain Management, Telecoms/ ICT,  Vehicle Engineering design, material technology, environmentally sustainable, innovation, automation,  Technology etc

Topic areas for KM could be : Strategy, Logistics, Management, Business Intelligence, project management, Ecommerce, Mcommerce,  Quality, Networks, Software development, Health and IT etc.

Keywords could be any list of words that could be used in locating your project in a library database search facility.

Proposed Subject Title

A proposed title of the project, succinct and clear as to the project undertaken Eg Feasibility of …, How Lean principles in Large scale companies can be applied to …, A case study of the barriers and triggers for Ghana to adopt WAP, etc 

Brief Project scope and abstract

The background about the project, topic, company, situation and overall summary as to the nature of problem and what is required.  

This would explain the aim of the project and put it into context /setting the scene.  If you have a client then this is mentioned with their relevance to the project.  This is really a mini-executive summary of the whole project, with considerations to the scope/ boundaries.  

Project Objectives

List overall objectives of the project listing approx 7-10.  These should be measurable and will be used in part assessment in determining the level of achievement of the project.  

These can be a breakdown of what you are trying to achieve and can be representative of activities/ phases that are to be conducted in arriving at the project deliverables.  Words such as acquire, identify, evaluate, conduct , develop, demonstrate, analyse etc could be used. These should reflect the Learning outcomes of the Module for example :

1.  Research the principles / background / impact of chosen subject matter in terms of either engineering or ICT, regionally, nationally and or globally.
2.  Conduct GAP/ PESTLE analysis/ SWOT analysis and define some strategic positioning to provide context to the subject matter.
3.  Identify appropriate case studies to analyse in respect of primary and secondary research for comparison and contrast; these can be regional, national and/or global case studies.

4.  Evaluate triggers and barriers of subject matter in the context of the problem domain and given scenario.

5.  Analyse and build a requirement specification / feasibility study or design using an appropriate and justified business, IT or Engineering lifecycle.

6.  Instantiate the relevant business, IT or Engineering lifecycle within the context of the project

7.  Determine and discuss possible options, scenarios and solutions

8.  Draw conclusions and clear recommendations for the progress and approach for the future realisation of the solution with provision of a timeline

9. Make critical evaluation of the project and approach.    

The objectives should be relevant and specific to your project, reflect the aims and the learning outcomes.  They should be realistic, though sufficiently challenging and measurable. 

This document should be submitted on Moodle on the module web (M99EKM or equivalent) also handed in at ASG 20 post grad support office by the relevant date 

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