Contemporary Issues in Accounting and Finance Assignment

Weightage: 100%

Word length: 4000 words (a margin of 10% is allowed)

Assignment Background

As part of the Contemporary Issues in Accounting and Finance Module an overview and introduction to five topical subjects that are currently having an impact on strategic accounting and finance managers was provided in lectures. The subjects were:

-        Oil and Gas Accounting
-        Intellectual Capital
-        Public Sector Accounting and Policy
-        Foreign Exchange Risk Management
-        Fraud Risk Management
-        Sustainable and Green Marketing Management

The direct impact of these subjects is dependent on the type of organisation and the environment in which they operate.

Assignment Introduction

This assignment allows you to investigate in further detail an area from those listed above, and have been taught during this module that is of interest to yourself and/or that may benefit you in the future or as a strategic accounting and financial manager.

Assignment Requirement

You must select one of the subjects/issues that have been outlined in the lectures for this module.


-        Provide a fully referenced overview of the key literature specific to the chosen subject/issue (30%)

-        Evaluate the likely application/impact for an organisation directly affected by the subject/issue (30%)

-        Critically comment how the subject may develop and outline the likely impact on organisations and the wider economy over the next 10 years (40%)

Harvard referencing is required, as can be seen in the marking guidelines at the end of the handbook.

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