BUSI 48070 Consultancy Project Assignment


The assessment for Applied / Consultancy Project module consists of 5 elements:

Consultancy Proposal/Work Plan                                           PASS or FAIL
Group Consultancy Final Report                                                 25% Weighting          
Group Presentation                                                                   15% weighting
Individual reflective journal                                                        30% weighting
Individual literature review                                                        30% weighting

Group Consultancy Final Project Report 

Word Count:   Around 3,000 words, but this is flexible to your client’s requirements.

Group Presentation

Timing: 30 minutes with up to 30 minutes for questions and discussion.

Individual Reflective Report

Your Task

Produce a 3000 word report reflecting on what you have learned during the management of the Company Consultancy Project.

Consider the theories, models and approaches that you have been introduced to in this module and also throughout your year of study at NBS, and reflect on their relevance to this project. For example, if parts of your project were not completed on time was it due to poor time management or inaccurate estimating? Did you find the project went off track? Was this due to a lack of planning or ineffective team working? During the course of your project you will be holding meetings to review progress, plan work and develop ideas; you need to illustrate this progress by including key documents produced within your appendix and refer to these in your discussion.  These could include for example minutes of meetings, project plans, draft research tools developed, communications sent to the team or your client, team rules established and any other artefact that helps illustrate the points you discuss.

In writing the report, consider performance of the team as a whole and you as an individual. As a result of your reflection, what lessons can be learned from this project to help improve your performance for delivery of future projects and to guide your future personal development?  These lessons should form the main emphasis of your conclusions and recommendations.


This should be in standard business report format including an introduction, some key sections identified by you, conclusions, recommendations (in the form of a personal development plan), a references list and a set of appendices.

Word Count:   3,000 words

Individual Literature Review

You are required to produce a critical review of the literature which will enable you to define and individually investigate a focused area that relates directly to your program, route or pathway. Work should be structured as an ‘academic paper’, using section headings to organize main themes and ideas. You should include an introduction, the literature review itself, a concluding paragraph and a list of references. Include any diagrams or figures in the text if appropriate. Referencing must be to Harvard Standard.

Word Count:   3,000 words 

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