Computer Science Assignment

Computer Science has covered a long journey since the invention of Pascal's Calculator, in 1642. Computer science is the study of practical implications of computational systems. Computer Science is practiced by mathematicians, scientists and engineers. Mathematics, the origins of Computer Science, provides reason and logic. Science provides the methodology for learning and refinement. Engineering provides the techniques for building hardware and software. Computer science is a young discipline that is evolving rapidly. Part of it involves thinking (design, analysis), part of it involves coding (translating a design into instructions via a programming languages such as Java Programming or C++ Programming) and part of it involves testing (subjecting software to a battery of tests to make sure it works). It breaks the barriers between the human beings and technology. Computer science teachers assign different assignments to the students in order to assess their academic performance.

Major Areas of Expertise in Computer Science

Students can learn following fields or areas of the computer science.

·        All programming language assignments
·        Data structure assignments
·        Automata assignments
·        Networking assignments
·        Computer architecture assignments
·        Software assignments

Hurdles That Come In The Way Of Students

Students have a lot to do in their schedule. Some of them have to do part time jobs to support their expenses. Students have many other things on their plate that need as much attention as their academic career do and sometimes even more. They have a social life, organize events, participate in extra curricular activities, etc. Besides, apart from computer science, they have to complete other assignments as well. Computer science is not so easy as it may sound. Computer science assignments demand time and hard work. Only a small mistake can ruin the student's chances of scoring high that's why they have to be extra cautious while writing computer science assignments.

Computer Science Assignment Help

Examinations are enough to make students stressed. They have to complete many assignments as well. Students feel helpless due to non availability of proper guidance which shatters their confidence. But now, students dont have to worry about writing those annoying assignments. Students should avail online assignment writing services and live stress free life. Assignment Help Australia is one such assignment writing service provider. It has a team of experts which is available 24*7 to help students. These online services provide full control to students to manage the assignment writing process Students are notified after completion of each and every stage of the assignment writing process. Academic grades play a big role in the happiness of students, where good grades result in a happier and more productive students whereas low grades harm their self-esteem badly.

Computer Network Assignment

Computer network is a collection of computer systems and other related hardware devices that are grouped together to facilitate the sharing or exchange of information and resources among multiple users.
Computer Network assignments play a big part in the overall grades of the students.

Types Of Computer Networks


The computer networks are usually distinguished on the basis of their geographical area coverage and the rights to access the network resources.

Local Area Network (LAN)
LAN covers a limited geographical area like school, college, home, and office buildings etc.

Wide Area Network (WAN)
WAN is a type of network that covers a very large geographical area like a society campus, town, and even the whole country.

Wireless Area Network (WLAN)
It is similar to a Local Area Network but its mode of connectivity is not limited to wires. Ariel signals such as radio waves or infrared signals are used as the communication medium.

Personal Area Network (PAN)
Personal Area Network is a very small area network which is used within the areas as small as a room.

Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)
MAN is a large area network which can provide connectivity to the the whole city. TV cable is a good example of Metropolitan Area Network.

Storage Area Network (SAN)
Storage Area Network is a closed network which cannot be accessed through any other networks.

Campus Area Network (CAN)
It is the combinations of many small Local Area Networks.

Backbone Network
It facilitates the exchange between various LANs or other small scale networks.

Devices Used In Computer Networks

The repeater performs the task of receiving network signals and then regenerating it after cleaning it from any kind of disturbances.

A hub is a repeater with multiple ports.

It establishes a connection between different network nodes. Local bridges, wireless bridges, remote bridges are the three types of bridges.

A router propagates the message between networks in the form of packets.

It provides the connection between different computers just as the hubs do but in a different way.

A modem provides connectivity to the internet.

Computer Network Assignment Help

Students have to face many problems with writing assignments as there are so many other things that demand their attention. Some of the students do part time jobs to support their course fee and accommodation. In this case, they have little time to complete assignments. Also, they have other assignments to look after as well. Which makes it very hard to focus on ever assignment. Computer Network Assignments can be difficult to complete. They demand research and are time consuming. So, there is nothing wrong in seeking online expert assignment writing services. Assignment Help Australia is one such online Assignment providing service. The team is available 24*7 to help students. Students have liberty to control the assignment making process. Assignments are prepared according to the needs of students. So, students should not compromise these wonderful college days and the social life. Avail online Assignment help and be stress-free.

English Language Assignment Help

English is the third most common native language in the world, it is one of the most prominent language spoken in many countries like UK, US, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and Ireland, and other nations as well to which English is not a native language. English is used as the official language of many countries and very popular language for casual conversations in non-native regions too.
In countries like UK, US, Canada English is not only the primary language of communication but also it is their official language.  Whereas, English is the most widely spoken language in Australia but it is not its official language. Despite the fact that English is the primary language to students from these countries, they lack specific skills of English language which are necessary to write good assignments.

Things That Should Be Keep In Mind About English

English has many other sub-forms or dialects due to which English language of one particular region differs from another. These differences must always be kept in mind by learners while writing an English assignment. The language differs in terms of spelling, vocabulary, pronunciation, punctuation, grammar etc.

British English

British English is the official language of United kingdom. Students have to stick by the rules of British English grammar while preparing assignments for their schools, colleges, or universities

American English

American English varies slightly from British English but those small differences in grammar and vocabulary can make huge impact on your assignment.

 Australian English

English is used as the first language by majority of Australian population but it has not given the official language in the constitution of Australia.

 Canadian English

Canadian English is influenced by both British English and American English in terms of vocabulary and spellings. Canadian and American English share great similarities in many ways and it is collectively known as North American English.

 Nature Of English Writing Papers

This language has a rich history and culture associated with it. Nature of the assignment in English depends on the program of the students. English literature is divided into several parts as per the era(early medieval, medieval, early modern, romantic, Victorian, early modern etc.)  those are written in.

Assignment Writing Assistance

Students require assignment assistance as they have a lot on their plates to do. Some of them do part time jobs to support their education and accommodation charges. Student develop stress from not been able to complete their assignments on time which leads to poor grades.

Now, they dont have to worry about writing difficult English assignments. Assignment Help Australia is an online assignment writing service, which provides solution of assignments given in colleges at affordable price. Assignment Help Australia team consists of experts with flawless English language skills and enormous experience. They are familiar with any academic level from under-graduate to PhD & post-doctoral programs. Whether students have to write a Literary analysis, Psychoanalysis, Marxist, Deconstruction or anything more difficult, they dont need to worry about it.

Every literary writer has written under different genres with varying difficulty levels. Some writers use a very clear approach in their writing style where some write in very impenetrable style. They are the masters of their genres. Contact Assignment Help Australia team and get the best English assignment within the deadline. We are available 24*7 to help students.

Accounting Assignment Help

Accounting is a branch of commerce and broadly known as "the language of business". It is the process of keeping track of all the financial activities. All the financial information is stored, sorted, analyzed, summarized, and retrieved in the form of analysis reports etc. Accounting is a systematic method of keeping financial records.
The history of accounting is very old, it is in use since ancient civilization Mesopotamian times. The simple tasks such as counting and keeping records of money in written form was a general practice of ancient times.

Types Of Accounting

  • Financial Accounting
  • Tax Accounting
  • Management Accounting
  • Auditing

Accounting is a complicated and sensitive area of education. An accounting course cannot be completed without taking accounting performance assignments.
Students usually get intimidated by tricky accounting assignments. The lives of students are already very busy and full of hectic schedules. They are left with no time for writing lengthy and time consuming assignments.

Important Topics In Accounting

Our accounting experts have been serving students from all corners of the world. They have degrees such as CA, CPA, CMA, and CGA from world's most prestigious institutions. They have immense experience of providing successful Accounting Assignment and Accounting Homework help. Some of the important topics covered by our accounting professionals are listed below but our accounting assignment writing expertise is not limited to these topics only.

  1. Balance sheet
  2. Petty Cash book
  3. US GAAP
  4. Budget planning
  5. Budgeting
  6. Revenue recognition
  7. Activity based actions
  8. Trial balance
  9. Equity method
  10. Accounting cycle
  11. Forensic accounting
  12. Cost allocation
  13. Income statement
  14. Performance management
  15. Breakeven analysis
  16. Amortization
  17. Shareholder equity
  18. Incremental analysis
  19. Job costing
  20. IFRS
  21. Inventory
  22. Payroll accounting
  23. Valuing liabilities
  24. Pricing
  25. Journal entry
  26. Equity method
  27. Treasury stock
  28. Internal control
  29. Annual and cash basis
  30. Audit evidence.Audit report
  31. Lease
  32. Dividends
  33. variance analysis
  34. Assets and liabilities

Why Assignment Help is required

Problems are natural in life. So are with studies and assignments as well. Students often need help of someone who can assist him/her with his/her studies. A person who is more knowledgeable, more intelligent with greater understanding. This person can be a family member, a friend, a teacher/tutor or even a computer. This is the basic requirement. A guide, tutor or mentor is always needed in every walk of life to shape and direct us. You can get help to complete your assignments at . This website provides assignment help according to the needs of the customer.

International Financial Management(“IFD”) Assessment Details Assignment

The IFD module has two elements of assessments:

1. a student presentation comprising 20% of the marks for the module

2. a 3,000-word (+ or – 10%) individual report comprising 80% of the marks for the module.
The presentation will be done in a groups. The tutor will select a group. Each group is given a selected country in which a UK based public company is proposing to carry out an investment. 

Assessment 1

Presentation:  20% 

The group will be required, for a selected foreign country, to evaluate and articulate the key issues which a commercial organisation will have to consider and appraise for a potential international investment . A detailed scenario will be presented in the workshops.The presentation should be no longer than 15 minutes. This will be followed by a question and answer session of approximately 10 minutes during which all team members are expected to respond.

Assessment II

Business Report:  80%

General Report Requirements:You are required to write a report for a business proposal involving a UK based business to establish an overseas operation. Each student will be given a different scenario of a UK based company’s proposal to establish an overseas operation. 

Detailed brief will be given during the teaching sessions, but the general requirements are presented here.

a) Whether or not the project should be undertaken

b) A strategy for the on-going management of Forex risk which may arise as a result of such expansion should it go ahead

c) Advice on the organisational behavior & structure and financing arrangements which the company should adopt if it were to undertake such a project

Your report should be fully referenced, and your decisions should be backed up by appropriate calculations, and use real world data where appropriate.

Assessment details 

1.Assessment I ( group presentation)


UK retailer Next PLC admitted that its sales were "disappointing" as the company faced dampened consumer confidence”. Next PLC’s CEO at a meeting with the business development team has directed the team to accelerate the Board of Directors “BOD” approved strategic plan to grow overseas. Next PLC currently has a very limited overseas trading however 50% (by value) of its supply chain is based in China with rest in the UK. 

The BOD report had identified the following markets as a high priority:

US, Japan, Australia, Germany, France, Canada, Italy & Switzerland.

The CEO has requested the team to prepare a preliminary report which should evaluate and consider the following aspects of doing business in an overseas market: 

1.Alternative market entry opportunities 
  • Green field 
  • Acquisition of local operator 
  • Licensee/ franchise operation 
  • Foreign currency exposure 
  • Double taxation 
  • Ability to repatriate local profits 
  • Corporate structuring 
  • Financing 
  • Recruitment and management of personnel from a distance 
  • Management and respect of cultural differences 
  • Alignment of emoluments with local performances 
You are required to present your findings at the next scheduled BOD meeting. The format will allow a 15 minutes presentation which will be followed by a question and answer session. Based on these findings the BOD will select as to where and which direction the company should expand its operations.

Following the selected territory, the company’s finance director will than carry out a more detailed analysis for the proposal. This will be presented in a report format (individual student work) to the BOD. 

2.Assignment II (individual report)

General Instructions

You are the Finance Director of Next PLC, a UK based company with limited international operations. The company is primarily a fashion and home ware retailer operating a chain of stores and an online operation across the UK, and also some internationally. More information about the company can be found on Over recent years the company has had a mixed performance which has been tested in the current UK macro- economic climate. The Company is seeking to build on its well established UK operations to excess customers on the global stage. It is seeking to enter various overseas territories which it has identified as a priority. You will all be provided with a different investment scenario (example below) to consider, but the general guidelines will be the same.


You are required to write a report of no more than 3,000 words outlining the following:

a) A recommendation as to whether the project should be undertaken? Your recommendation should be fully justified based on a detailed financial appraisal and analysis of the foreign investment opportunity.

b) A detailed consideration and evaluation of specific foreign exchange exposure arising from the investment together with a detailed hedging and management of this potential risk.

c) A strategy for the management of foreign exchange risk which may arise as a result of investment and on-going activities.

d) Evaluation and selection of the appropriate organisational structure and financing arrangements taking into account any risks and opportunities presented by trading in the a new country.

Your report should be fully referenced, and your decisions should be supported by appropriate calculations, and use of real world data where appropriate.

Scenario 1

Next PLC (“NEXT”)are considering opening a series of shops in the USA. It is estimated that each shop will cost approximately $5m to set up, and that they would open 100 shops over the course of two years (spread evenly over that time). Each shop opening cost includes fixtures and fittings of $1m, which is allowable for tax on a straight-line basis of 20% per annum. The other $4 million will be spent on a 5-year lease. This means that ALL of the cash is payable up front and no on-going rental cost is payable for the 5 years. However this cost should be spread in the income statement for tax purposes. Market research costing £500,000 has indicated that in the first year, each shop will expect sales of $5m. Each shop sales will grow at 25% in the second year and 10% per annum there after (including the effect of inflation). Gross profit margins are expected to be 40% based on current prices and exchange rates. 50% of goods will be sourced in the US, and the remaining 50% will be supplied from the UK via NEXT head office. Local operating costs of $1million per annum per shop will be incurred. These costs are expected to move in line with local inflation. In addition, monitoring and management costs of £2m per annum to cover all shops will also be incurred in the UK in relation to this venture. Any excess funds from the US stores will be returned to the UK at the end of the year.

M07 MKT Assessment Information Assignment

COURSEWORK 1- Critical Essay 

Weighting: 50%

Word-Count: 3,000 words (10% above or below)
  1. Remember to use relevant theory and examples to support your answer - without references to relevant journal articles, you will struggle to achieve the higher grades.
  2. Books and journal articles are preferred to website references, although the latter may be included where appropriate (do NOT use Wikipedia as a reference)
  3. Essays must be correctly referenced according to the Harvard system of citation
  4. Essays must be double-line spaced and justified throughout. Quotes must be indented where appropriate


Provide a critique of Levitt's statement below utilizing relevant theory and examples. 

Everyone in the increasingly homogenized world market wants products and features that everybody else wants… Different cultural preferences, national tastes and standards are vestiges of the past
(Theodore Levitt, 1983)

Additional information and things to think about:
  1. What does Levitt mean by ‘vestiges of the past’?
  2. Is there any truth behind Levitt’s assertion about the nature of the ‘world market’, or is this merely nothing more than a simplistic overview?
  3. Remember to think carefully and critically about what we have discussed (and will continue to discuss) in the lectures about the nature of consumers and the importance of context (political, economic, cultural and legal sociological impacts).

Know about Consumer Behavior.

Coursework Briefing

 Coursework 1 – CRITICAL ESSAY

Everyone in the increasingly homogenized world market wants products and features that everybody else wants… Different cultural preferences, national tastes and standards are vestiges of the past
 The focus should be on this part of the quote – Different cultural preferences, national tastes and standards are vestiges of the past.
* The focus of your work should be ‘consumer culture’. You need to utilise international examples to showcase the importance of culture and argue the case for the importance of P.E.S.C

* The readings I am sending you all via Moodle are to help you with this assignment. Seminar readings! Use them as a starting point (seek out additional references from those papers)

* Think about the standardisation/adaptation debates in marketing theory. Does ‘one size fit all’?

* Minimum of 15 ACADEMIC references

BUSI 48070 Consultancy Project Assignment


The assessment for Applied / Consultancy Project module consists of 5 elements:

Consultancy Proposal/Work Plan                                           PASS or FAIL
Group Consultancy Final Report                                                 25% Weighting          
Group Presentation                                                                   15% weighting
Individual reflective journal                                                        30% weighting
Individual literature review                                                        30% weighting

Group Consultancy Final Project Report 

Word Count:   Around 3,000 words, but this is flexible to your client’s requirements.

Group Presentation

Timing: 30 minutes with up to 30 minutes for questions and discussion.

Individual Reflective Report

Your Task

Produce a 3000 word report reflecting on what you have learned during the management of the Company Consultancy Project.

Consider the theories, models and approaches that you have been introduced to in this module and also throughout your year of study at NBS, and reflect on their relevance to this project. For example, if parts of your project were not completed on time was it due to poor time management or inaccurate estimating? Did you find the project went off track? Was this due to a lack of planning or ineffective team working? During the course of your project you will be holding meetings to review progress, plan work and develop ideas; you need to illustrate this progress by including key documents produced within your appendix and refer to these in your discussion.  These could include for example minutes of meetings, project plans, draft research tools developed, communications sent to the team or your client, team rules established and any other artefact that helps illustrate the points you discuss.

In writing the report, consider performance of the team as a whole and you as an individual. As a result of your reflection, what lessons can be learned from this project to help improve your performance for delivery of future projects and to guide your future personal development?  These lessons should form the main emphasis of your conclusions and recommendations.


This should be in standard business report format including an introduction, some key sections identified by you, conclusions, recommendations (in the form of a personal development plan), a references list and a set of appendices.

Word Count:   3,000 words

Individual Literature Review

You are required to produce a critical review of the literature which will enable you to define and individually investigate a focused area that relates directly to your program, route or pathway. Work should be structured as an ‘academic paper’, using section headings to organize main themes and ideas. You should include an introduction, the literature review itself, a concluding paragraph and a list of references. Include any diagrams or figures in the text if appropriate. Referencing must be to Harvard Standard.

Word Count:   3,000 words 

Corporate Accountability Assignment

You are required to submit a hard copy to the program administrator and an e copy to the drop box on the NOW system. The e version will be subjected to analysis by plagiarism software. 

Weighting:  100%

Word length:  4000 words (a margin of 10% is allowed)

Across the globe governments have been stunned by the increasing number of financial, environmental and ethical scandals involving major international companies.  These range from major fraud perpetrated by directors involving the financial collapse of companies, the excess risks taken within the financial sector, illegal payments to Government officials in Third world countries, abuse of human rights within the supply chain, and a total disregard in complying with general environmental management issues.  Each new day brings a new scandal so this list can only be indicative.

The UK Government has responded by asking the Department for Business Innovation and Skills (DBIS) to review the legal and self regulatory framework within which companies operate when trading from and within the UK.  Industry commentators fear that the general principle of “comply or explain” enshrined within the UK Corporate Governance Code 2010, is under threat and may be replaced by a new wide ranging Companies Act backed by severe penalties for company’s and individuals who are in breach of the act.

As a prelude to amending the Companies Act the DBIS  has called a conference which will be attended by country representatives from all sectors of business, pressure groups, charities, regulatory bodies and professional groups of which the Accountancy profession is represented by members from the International Accounting Standards Board,  and a representative from each of the major Accounting Performance firms.

You are one of a group of junior civil servants at the DBIS who have been tasked to research a particular country (NOT THE UK, you have previously been involved with and to produce a paper for the Minister so they are briefed and ready for the  conference.

Your paper should be in two parts and include the following information:

a)     Demonstrate to the Minister the particular problems faced by your country by the use of recent news items which have brought to light a particular example of bad practice which society no longer wishes to tolerate.  Propose how the country could, via the application of ethical principles and ethical decision making, avoid similar issues in the future,  and still be able to balance the competing demands of meeting the narrow needs of shareholders and the broader needs of society. (50%)

b)      A critical analysis and evaluation of the current position each of the relevant participant groups mentioned above, have taken towards the current practice of Corporate Governance and the broader issues of Accountability to society.

c)        Give possible scenarios that the Minister can put to the government to satisfy all stakeholders regarding Corporate Governance and Accountability. (50%) 


Contemporary Issues in Accounting and Finance Assignment

Weightage: 100%

Word length: 4000 words (a margin of 10% is allowed)

Assignment Background

As part of the Contemporary Issues in Accounting and Finance Module an overview and introduction to five topical subjects that are currently having an impact on strategic accounting and finance managers was provided in lectures. The subjects were:

-        Oil and Gas Accounting
-        Intellectual Capital
-        Public Sector Accounting and Policy
-        Foreign Exchange Risk Management
-        Fraud Risk Management
-        Sustainable and Green Marketing Management

The direct impact of these subjects is dependent on the type of organisation and the environment in which they operate.

Assignment Introduction

This assignment allows you to investigate in further detail an area from those listed above, and have been taught during this module that is of interest to yourself and/or that may benefit you in the future or as a strategic accounting and financial manager.

Assignment Requirement

You must select one of the subjects/issues that have been outlined in the lectures for this module.


-        Provide a fully referenced overview of the key literature specific to the chosen subject/issue (30%)

-        Evaluate the likely application/impact for an organisation directly affected by the subject/issue (30%)

-        Critically comment how the subject may develop and outline the likely impact on organisations and the wider economy over the next 10 years (40%)

Harvard referencing is required, as can be seen in the marking guidelines at the end of the handbook.

To get the solution of this assignment, do visit on Assignment Help Australia.

The Global Network Assignment

This article is related to the global network of a business unit. For doing the assignment, one has to compile a research report and  a reflection paper.

The Global Network Assignment was given in RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia. The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate an understanding of emergent technologies among students and how these technologies can be used effectively to assist businesses, organisations or service providers. Students are required to identify articles or other sources on the given topic using a variety of search facilities. Also, they should be able to synthesis information about the technology itself with examples of its actual and potential uses. One is required to reflect on the processes involved and the problems he/she faced in carrying out the global business network assignment.
Details of task 1:Technology Exploration Blog & Reflection

Individual  assignment:  Blog entries via Blackboard, written reflective piece
 Length:  2,000 words (which comprises of five 300-word blog entries and a 500-word reflective piece)
  Assessment  weight:  50% (blog entries = 40%, reflection = 10%)
Over a period of 5 weeks you are to monitor the web-based literature (i.e. technology reports) and prepare five 300-word blog entries via Blackboard. At the conclusion of the blog entries, you are to produce a 500-word written reflective journal piece.
Each blog entry should contain:
  • The content source i.e. URL (this will not be included in the word count)
  • A brief description of the technology.
  • How it can be used to assist an organisation or industry
  • Any foreseeable shortcomings of the technology i.e. privacy, ethical, technical… 
  • With respect to the reflective piece, you will need to reflect on the following things:
  • Your experiences in finding the resource material i.e. did your resources come from reputable and authoritative source?
  • Any problems you encountered whilst completing the blog entries.
  • Your learning as a result of completing the assessment i.e. a greater understanding around the technology itself? A greater understating of how technology can be used to support businesses, organisations or service providers.

Details of  task 2: Research Report

The Research Report should be a detailed academic or business paper that explores in detail one issue of interest that has emerged from the content of the course.
Length: 2,500 - 3,000 words
Assessment weight:  50%

If you are working, this task may allow you to explore an emerging issue within your work environment, for example, ‘mobilising’ your corporate website. The topic must be able to be evaluated in some depth. It may build upon area of interest identified in the other assessment tasks, but must be analyzed in more detail. Simply repeating what other students have completed in their first task, will obviously lead to a fail. You must outline your topic on the form provided and submit it by the date on the course schedule. The research can be presented in either an academic or business report. The best approach to this task is to read about potential topics early and to start talking with academic staff early. Staff will not ‘give you a topic’, but are more than happy to guide your thinking and topic development. 

The Research Report requires you to:

  • Pose and try to answer critical questions.
  • Research the topic well and base your presentation on recent information.
  • Document it appropriately in terms of citation and report writing style.
  • Pay attention to critical appraisal of issues discussed and factual content presented.
  • Critically evaluate the issue or problem that you are addressing. This is NOT a descriptive essay, but rather one based on evaluation and investigation.