Communication and Management Assessment Help



Plan and conduct a simulation exercise for redesigning the image of one of the followingorganisations:

·         an electricity producer operatinga nuclear power plant
·         genetically modified foodproducer and distribution company
·         a medicalcompany undertaking stem cell research.
·         Choose a company from another industry and check with Mr. Cai.

You are required to research this business and write a written report.

Use your text to outline the theory of public relations and illustrate this with information about the organisation of your choice.

Usethe following steps in your activity.Use each key words be the topic.

Identify the organization and its key operations.
Define the organisation’s ‘publics’ (Internal, General, Local Community, Citizen-action, Media, Government).

Describe the organisation’s current image, including the results, analysis and summary of a survey of the public. (Conduct a survey using questions based on some/all of the criteria on page 409)

Analyse the current public relations position of the company via a SWOT Analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats).

Develop the objectives and strategies to address the company’s public relations weaknesses and improve its image.

Develop the desired public relations approach, and create a presentation which will convince the managers of this company to accept your proposal.

Design 2 posters, pamphlets, multimedia or video presentations to support your strategy.

Identify the elements of a crisis communication plan (if there were a crisis)

Create a checklist of Key Performance Indicators you would use to evaluate the success of your campaign.



Profile (to be completed by end of lesson _______)
·       Able to identify the organization and its key operations.                                 2 marks

The Organisation’s ‘Publics’ (to be completed by end of lesson _______)
·       Able to define the organisation’s ‘publics’ (Internal, General, Local Community, Citizen-action, Media, Government).                                                                   3 marks

Current Image (to be completed by end of lesson _________)
·       Able to describe the organisation’s current image.                                            2 marks

SWOT Analysis (to be completed by end of lesson ___________)
·       Able to analyse the current public relations position of the company via a SWOT Analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats).                           4 marks

Strategy to Improve Organisation’s Image (to be completed by end of lesson _______)
·       Able to highlight a strategy to improve image                                                    2 marks

Develop a Public Relations Approach (to be completed by end of lesson _______)
·       Develop the desired public relations approach, and create a presentation which will convince the managers of this company to accept your proposal.                5 marks

Presentations (to be completed by end of lesson ________)
·       Design 2 posters, pamphlets, multimedia or video presentations to support your strategy.                                                                                                                   10 marks

Crisis Communication Plan Elements (to be completed by end of lesson ________)
·       Identify the elements of a crisis communication plan (if there were a crisis) 5 marks

Key Performance Indicator Checklist (to be completed by end of lesson __________)
·  Create a checklist of 7 Key Performance Indicators you would use to evaluate the success of your campaign.                                                                                        7 marks

Use of URLs and references                                                                                                       



Restaurant Analysis Report Assessment

Choose a food and beverage organisation in your local area. It might be a café, a restaurant, the dining room of a local club or hotel, but it must have a menu and it must be an independent organisation. Franchised organisations like McDonald’s, Gloria Jean, Subway etc. are not permitted for this assessment task.

Visit the organisation at least once as a customer, order something from the menu and eat/drink while you are there. Provide a brief background of the independent food and beverage organisation, which you have selected for analysis. For example, name and type of establishment, location, opening hours etc.

Closely examine the menu document and provide a description of each of the three  areas of information listed above i.e. type of cuisine, type of foodservice and the market targeted. 

literature. Reference sources may be drawn from the textbook, book of readings, recommended references for the Restaurant Analysis or journal articles from any of the journals listed.

Discuss why it is important for the organisation to be true in practice to what its menu document purports. Use the literature to support your discussion.

  1. Make recommendations with justifications for changes to the document or its business practice, where necessary.
  2. Discussion on the importance of the menu reflecting actual practise, drawing on relevant literature 4%
  3. Critical evaluation of the extent to which the menu represents that actual practise drawing on the relevant literature 10%
  4. Appropriateness of recommendation 3%
  5. Report Format ( spelling grammar, referencing and logical flow of ideas 3% 

Advanced Network Security Assessment

Question 1

This assignment question requires that you analyse a packet capture dump file (http_gzip.pcap) and provide comments explaining each packet. This pcap file contains only ten packets.  Your task is to annotate each packet commenting on the following characteristics.

· Comment on any significant TCP flags and what they mean in the context of the packet capture. Significant flags include SYN, FIN, RST, and URG.  You must explain why the flag has been set and what it means for this TCP connection.  
· Comment on the direction of each packet (ie. client -> server or server -> client).  Be clear to explain in which direction the interaction is occurring.
· Comment on each command and response between the client and the server. You must explain what each command does.  You should also explain the data that is exchanged.  This will require that you study Internet documents relating to TCP to understand what the commands mean.  

You should also comment on the 2 port numbers used in this connection and their significance.  For example, is it an ephemeral or reserved port?  If it is a reserved port, what protocol does it relate to?

On the following page is an example of the template to use to complete this question.  It provides a brief summary of each packet and has been formatted to include an “explanation” field underneath each packet. You are to write your comments in this “explanation” field addressing the packet immediately above, based on your analysis of the packet using Wireshark. Be specific and detailed.  Any vague or limited responses will not attract any marks.  Note, that the table is only a summary of the information provided in the pcap file. Be sure to comment in relation to information provided in the pcap file using Wireshark, not just the summary table.

For examples of how to complete the table, be sure to have completed all 3 parts of the Packet Capture Exercises. They are available from the Lectures and Tutorials page of the course website. Your solution must of course be in your own words.  Do not copy directly from any examples or you will get zero marks

Question 2:

A small company is connected to the internet via a Router with firewall and proxy services installed (

There are three servers located in a DMZ ( / 25).

The web server ( can directly accept requests (HTTP or HTTPS) from the Internet or from the internal network (

The DNS server ( can directly accept requests from the Internet. The DNS server can also directly accept requests from the internal network ( However, if the DNS server cannot resolve a domain name requested by the internal network (, it will contact the DNS servers on the Internet directly for the name resolution.

On behalf of the users on the internal network (, the email server ( sends emails to and receives emails from the Internet. The users on the internal network ( use IMAP (Internet E-mail Access Protocol) to read and organise their emails on the email server.

The users on the internal network ( are allowed to access the Internet only for HTTP, HTTPS and FTP services. However, the users of the internal network are never allowed to connect to the Internet directly.

There are 8 client computers and a Database server on the internal network.

Based on the above advanced network configuration and application scenarios, answer the following three questions.

A.      Draw a network diagram of this network including IP addresses.

B.      The firewall services are installed on the router. Create the firewall rules to implement the packet filtering and only allow the specified traffic. The firewall rules are to be created in the following format.

A.      C.   Briefly explain each rule in the rule base that you have created.

B.      The proxy services are also installed on the router to conceal the users of the internal network ( from the Internet. Suppose that users on the internal computers send the following requests to the Internet. The proxy services perform the Port Address Translation (PAT). Complete the following connection table to show how PAT is working for requests from the users on the internal network.  

Question 3: 

Although the course textbook and other resources discuss several specific network attack vulnerabilities, it is not feasible to cover all of them. New vulnerabilities are being discovered all of the time, and there are hundreds of currently known vulnerabilities. Professional network administrators have to keep themselves current with all possible threat possibilities. One way of doing this is by performing personal research. In this case study, you should use the Internet to assist you in developing responses to the three questions.  Use of the course textbook and supplied resources only is not sufficient to award full marks. You should use your research skills and go beyond these resources.

You are required to answer the following questions.  
a)      Your are to research a recent ransom type attack via the internet, what type of attack has been performed by the hackers?  You need to fully justify your answer, not just state the type of attack.

b)      Describe how the attack may have occurred with sufficient information to explain how a hacker could carry out the attack. Ensure you include references.

c)      How could the network administrator prevent such attacks?  You don’t need to provide the actual code – just describe what measures they would have to implement to ensure that occurrence of an attack could be minimised.

Financial Accounting Assessment

Question 1

Bradfield Ltd is registered as a public company and is required by the Corporations Act 2001 to prepare a financial report for each financial year (s. 292) that complies with Australian accounting standards (s. 296). The financial statements prepared by Bradfield Ltd are general purpose financial statements because Bradfield Ltd is a reporting entity as defined in SAC 1 Definition of the Reporting Entity. The following is an extract from the trial balance prepared by Bradfield Ltd’s accounting staff for the year ended 30 June 2016.


Prepare the Statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income for Bradfield Ltd for the year ended 30 June 2016 in accordance with the requirements of AASB 101 Presentation of Financial Statements. 

In addition to referring to AASB 101 Presentation of Financial Statements, you may find it useful to refer to IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements Implementation Guidance (in Moodle) which provides examples of financial statements prepared in accordance with IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements which is the international equivalent of AASB 101 Present ation of Financial Statements.


Bendigo Ltd sells consumer whitegoods through 100 retail outlets throughout Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland. Bendigo Ltd leases the retail outlets and their accounting policy (in accordance with AASB 117 Leases) is to classify leases as finance leases when the terms of the lease transfer substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership to the lessee (Bendigo Ltd); all other leases are classified as operating leases. In applying this policy, Bendigo Ltd has classified all of its leases for the retail outlets as operating leases. In February 2016, the AASB issued a new accounting standard (AASB 116 Leases which is based on the new IFRS 16 Leases) that introduces a new accounting policy for the classification of leases. Although AASB 116 Leases does not become effective for some years, early adoption is permitted and Bendigo Ltd has decided to adopt it for the reporting period ending 30 June 2016.

In July 2015, at the beginning of the current reporting period, Bendigo Ltd decided to change its accounting policy for the valuation of inventories from a weighted-average cost (WAC) method to a first-in, first-out (FIFO) method. Bendigo Ltd believes that the FIFO method more accurately reflects the usage and flow of inventories in the economic cycle.


(a) How is a provision defined in AASB 137 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets? Why would Benson Ltd’s obligation to restore the contaminated environment be classified as a provision?

(b) Briefly explain the three methods that, according to AASB 137 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets, can be used by an entity to estimate the amount to be recognised as a provision.

(c) How has Benson Ltd taken risk into account to estimate the amount to be recognised as a provision? What is an alternative approach to taking risk into account?

(d) From the information in the question, calculate the amount that Benson Ltd should recognise as a provision as at 30 June 2016.

(e) By how much will the provision have increased as at the end of the following year on 30 June 2017? How should Benson Ltd account for the increase?

Business Report Plan Assessment


The objective of this assignment is to conduct an early analysis, identify and evaluate all the marketing factors and develop a DETAILED PLAN with key facts, data and marketing points under relevant headings in preparation and assisting with the major assignment. You are required to conduct research, read widely and draw information from current affairs, and from the relevant sections of the material covered in lectures and tutorials. 

Role and task

You have recently gained a position as a junior marketing executive in the organization on which your MAJOR ASSIGNMENT is based and your boss (the marketing manager) has asked you to review the appropriateness of one of your current products for a target segment. The minor-business assignment will form part of your final submission for your major assignment. As such you are required to cover some or all of the following areas in the minor assignment.

Mark allocation 

Significant marks are allocated for evidence of research and analysis of the data and information obtained from this research.   The aim of this minor assignment is to demonstrate that you are able to research data and then apply this to your organisation, its markets, customers and products.


Men’s skincare /cosmetics manufacturers e.g. Nivea for Men
Women’s athletic apparel e.g. Lululemon
Gymnasiums e.g. Fitness First
Those who use other scenarios will receive a mark of zero.


The minor assignment should be presented as part of a business report (i.e. outline numbered headings, page numbers, etc). Please refer Q manual for format and APA referencing style. 

Minor Assignment: 

An individual Business report plan - 5% - 1000 words 
(Industry, Company, Competitors, Customers, Environment, STP, Market Research) 
This plan should include research, specific information and marketing application.
·         Identify and describe the relevant and key background information of the industry in which your company [organisation] operates. Including the size of the industry, growth or decline of the industry and future projections.   

·         List the relevant micro and macro environmental factors and observe any changes and developments and describe their [micro and macro factors] impact on the industry, market and business.

·         Identification of the key competitors.

·         List the relevant bases [variables] for segmentation of the market. Apply the market targeting process [STPD process]. Show possible market segments and profiles that emerge based on segmentation. Key consumer profiles should be briefly described.

·         Explain / describe the market coverage strategy, positioning [including a positioning map] and differentiation

·         Identification and description of the target segment(s) (customers) including their needs and wants.

You are required to demonstrate that you can write in an effective manner, that you understand basic marketing concepts and that you have the ability to appropriately apply theory to practice.  To demonstrate your ability to apply theory to practice you must illustrate your answer with relevant research and data that is applicable to your organisation.

Questionnaire for Corporate Law Assignment


This assignment is worth 30 marks and represents 30% of the overall assessment. Take note that it is divided into three questions each worth 10 marks totalling 30 marks which represents 30% of the assessment. The total word limit is 2000 words. Please divide the word limit equally between each question.

Question 1 - Members Remedies

Simon is a shareholder of Titan Ltd a company that makes bolts and screws. He is also employed as the company’s in house solicitor. For some time now Simon has been concerned about the board paying a supplier grossly inflated amounts for supplies. After he makes some enquiries he discovers that some directors have a personal interest in the supplier and they are therefore getting a financial benefit from this arrangement. When Simon raises his concerns with the CEO he is advised he will look into it. However two weeks later Simon is terminated from his position as a solicitor. The explanation is that the company will use an outside solicitor in the future. Simon is outraged by this and asks your advice as to what is his best legal remedy under the Corporations Act. Give reasons with your answer and make appropriate reference to case law. (Note: Do not discuss unfair dismissal as this is not related to the Corporations Act.)

(10 marks)

Question 2  – Company entering contracts

If a director enters into a contract on behalf of their company with an outside third party and the company subsequently refuses to honor the contract, what arguments can be raised by the third party to say the contract is valid and enforceable?

(10 marks)

Question 3 - Directors Duties

Stoneleigh Ltd has a four person board of directors. The directors have been concerned for some time now about a rival company (Predator Ltd) slowly buying up shares in Stoneleigh and they fear that Predator may be about to launch a hostile takeover. This means that if they were to acquire a majority of Stoneleigh shares the board will likely be replaced. The current board fears this happening as they naturally don’t want to lose their board positions. The board therefore passes a decision to arrange for the company to issue a large parcel of shares and sell them to entities under the control of the directors. As a result of this share issue any attempt by Predator to acquire more shares will not now be possible for it to acquire a majority and thus they have prevented the hostile takeover. Have the board breached any directors duties in doing this? Give reasons in your answer and make appropriate reference to case law.

(10 marks)

                                                                                    (Total of 30 marks)

Lipton, P., and Herzberg, A., Welsh, M, Understanding Company Law, 16 edition Thomson Reuters 2014.
Students should remember to look at the Lipton and Herzberg website.
Students should remember to look at the Lipton and Herzberg website.

Harris, J. Hargovan, A.  Adams, M. Australian Corporate Law LexisNexis Butterworths 4th edition, 2013.
Austin R.P. & Ramsay, I., Ford's Principles of Corporations Law, Butterworths, Australia, 15th edition, 2012.
 Baxt, R., and Fletcher, K.L., Fridman, S., Corporations and Associations Cases and Materials on, Butterworths, Australia, 10th edition, 2008.
 Parker, Clarke, Veljanovski, Posthouwer, Corporate Law, Palgrave 1st edition 2012
 Hanrahan, P., Ramsay I., Stapledon G., Commercial Applications of Company Law. CCH 14th edition 2013
 Redmond, P., Companies and Securities Law - Commentary and Materials, Law Book Co., Sydney, 5th, 2009.
 Ciro T, Symes C, Corporations Law in Principle LBC Thomson Reuters, Sydney, 9th edition 2013
 Li, G, Riley, S. Applied Corporate Law: A Bilingual Approach  LexisNexis 1st Edition 2009.
 Cassidy, J. Corporations Law Text and Essential Cases. Federation Press, 3rd edition Sydney 2010
 Harris, J. Corporations Law, LexisNexis Study Guide 1st edition 2008
 Harris, J. Butterworths Questions and Answers Corporations Law:, LexisNexis, 3rd Edition Sydney 2009.
 Fisher S, Anderson C, Dickfos, Corporations Law - Butterworths Tutorial Series, 3rd Edition Butterworths, Sydney 2009            
 Tomasic,R.,Jackson,J.,Woellner,R., Corporations Law - Principles, Policy and Process 4th Edition Butterworths., Sydney, 2002.
Tomasic, R. Bottomley,S. McQueen,R. Corporations Law in Australia, 2nd Edition Federation Press, Sydney 2002.
 Latimer, P, Australian Business Law CC, 2013 Edition.
 Vermeesch,R B, Lindgren, K E, Business Law of Australia Butterworths, 12th Edition, 2011.
 Pentony, Graw, Lennard & Parker, Understanding Business Law 5th ed Butterworths, 2013.
Davenport, S and Parker D, Business and Law in Australia, Thomson Reuters, 2012
 Fitzpatrick, Synes, Veljanovski, Parker, Business and Corporations Law; LexisNexis 1st edition 2011
 Crosling G M, Murphy H M, How to Study Business Law 4th Edition, Butterworths, 2009.

Essays must be submitted on date advised by lecturer.  No extensions will be considered unless a request is made in writing, before the due date, stating the reason for the request. Marks will be deducted for essays that are submitted after the due date.

The assignment should be written in your own words. A hard copy must be submitted. As well an electronic copy is to be submitted via the Turnitin link on the webct home page for the subject. The Turnitin copy will be the 'time mark' for the purpose of the confirmation of the date and time of submission.

Student must put their tutors name on the assignment and must not attach the Turnitin report to their assignment. 

All assignments must be in print form and submitted with a signed School of Law cover sheet to the assignment box located outside the School of Law Office, Level 3, Building A by 5.00 pm on the due date. Students must also submit an online copy of the assignment via WebCT by the due date. The online submission will be regarded as verification of submission by the due date. However, only the hard copy assignments that are submitted will be marked. Students on the Flinders Street campus will be advised by their lecturer about assignment submission.
Readable connected prose NOT point form summaries
Accurate spelling, grammar, punctuation, paragraph construction. Proofreading
Effective use of HEADINGS
Consistent and accurate acknowledgment of sources using a recognised style – both in relation to in-text referencing and bibliography (Note the warning about plagiarism below).

The papers will be marked on the following basis:


Percentage of marks awarded
1.    Depth of understanding of the topic and identification of relevant issues.
2.    Awareness accuracy of the nature and content of relevant law.
3.    Clarity and coherence of the analysis and quality of discussion and argument.
50 per cent

Writing and communication skills

30 per cent

Research skills

20 per cent

In law, the preferred referencing style is footnoting. Students are reminded that they will lose marks if they merely reproduce passages copied word for word from texts and other references without attempting to convey information and express ideas in their own words.  Of course this does not preclude the intelligent use of relevant quotations in respect of which proper references are given.

It should be noted that the references must be given in respect of all material included in the essay.  References are not to be confined to situations in which the writer is citing a particular case or using a direct quotation.  For example, if the writer is putting forward a legal proposition or using a statement or idea drawn from a specific source, that source must be acknowledged by reference.  It is essential that references be properly acknowledged at all times and marks will be deducted if this is not done.  References may be acknowledged by numbering them consecutively throughout the essay and by giving details of the references by way of numbered footnotes at the bottom of the relevant page, or by way of a list at the end of the essay.  Note carefully that the edition and page numbers of references must be given: it is not sufficient to merely give the name and author of the work.  When referring to cases, the full case citation must be given.  In addition, a bibliography should always be included at the end of the essay.  Students should contact the lecturer if they are in any doubt as to the requirements for the giving of references.

Referencing: Footnotes or end-notes must be used to acknowledge the source or sources of information contained in the assignment.  Footnotes are preferred, but either will be accepted. In regard to the acknowledgment of references and matters of style and presentation, students are referred to:

1. Australian Guide to Legal Citation – VU Library Homepage. For all referencing questions for your assignment or any legal writing See: Australian Guide to Legal Citation: The VU Library has a 4 page edited version under Information for researchers: Click on Information for researchers and then click on Referencing and then click on Style Manuals. A copy of the Australian Guide to Legal citation is also available on Webct.

Also see Monash Legal Abbreviations for abbreviations of legal publications.

2. G.R.E. Phillips and L.H. Hunt, Writing Essays and Dissertations,
3. G Campbell, The Little Black Book. (available in the bookshop).

Students are required to pay careful attention to spelling, expression, and legibility in the writing of their essays.  There should be a margin on the left hand side of each page.  Students should keep a copy of the essay submitted.


Plagiarism is taking another person’s ideas and presenting them as your own, that is, without acknowledging the original source.  You must acknowledge your sources of information including both direct and indirect quotations.  A direct quotation must always be in inverted commas or in another style that indicates that it is a direct quotation.  Your assignment must not consist of only quotations.
 Plagiarism is regarded as a form of theft or cheating.  It is a serious offence and will be dealt with seriously, including a fail grade in this subject.
Students should use the Turnitin software to check their assignments for poor referencing and plagiarism. Software such as “turn it in” and others are available. 
·      Typed preferably and double-spaced
·      Title page with student name and number, Subject code and name, topic
·      A4 paper
·      Sequential page numbering
·      No folders
Assignments must be typed (word processor), using one side of the page only and leaving a wide margin.  The word limit is 2,000 words.
Late Submissions
Students who believe that they have a genuine case for extension of time must lodge a formal written application for such an extension, stating relevant grounds and attaching supporting documentation.  Such application must be made at least seven (7) days before the due date for submission.  Should the extension be granted then a new deadline will be set.
Late submissions of the assignment will incur a penalty mark of one (1) mark per day. Marks may be deducted in respect of essays which are excessive in length.

The assignment will have a value of 30% for final assessment.