Business Report Plan Assessment


The objective of this assignment is to conduct an early analysis, identify and evaluate all the marketing factors and develop a DETAILED PLAN with key facts, data and marketing points under relevant headings in preparation and assisting with the major assignment. You are required to conduct research, read widely and draw information from current affairs, and from the relevant sections of the material covered in lectures and tutorials. 

Role and task

You have recently gained a position as a junior marketing executive in the organization on which your MAJOR ASSIGNMENT is based and your boss (the marketing manager) has asked you to review the appropriateness of one of your current products for a target segment. The minor-business assignment will form part of your final submission for your major assignment. As such you are required to cover some or all of the following areas in the minor assignment.

Mark allocation 

Significant marks are allocated for evidence of research and analysis of the data and information obtained from this research.   The aim of this minor assignment is to demonstrate that you are able to research data and then apply this to your organisation, its markets, customers and products.


Men’s skincare /cosmetics manufacturers e.g. Nivea for Men
Women’s athletic apparel e.g. Lululemon
Gymnasiums e.g. Fitness First
Those who use other scenarios will receive a mark of zero.


The minor assignment should be presented as part of a business report (i.e. outline numbered headings, page numbers, etc). Please refer Q manual for format and APA referencing style. 

Minor Assignment: 

An individual Business report plan - 5% - 1000 words 
(Industry, Company, Competitors, Customers, Environment, STP, Market Research) 
This plan should include research, specific information and marketing application.
·         Identify and describe the relevant and key background information of the industry in which your company [organisation] operates. Including the size of the industry, growth or decline of the industry and future projections.   

·         List the relevant micro and macro environmental factors and observe any changes and developments and describe their [micro and macro factors] impact on the industry, market and business.

·         Identification of the key competitors.

·         List the relevant bases [variables] for segmentation of the market. Apply the market targeting process [STPD process]. Show possible market segments and profiles that emerge based on segmentation. Key consumer profiles should be briefly described.

·         Explain / describe the market coverage strategy, positioning [including a positioning map] and differentiation

·         Identification and description of the target segment(s) (customers) including their needs and wants.

You are required to demonstrate that you can write in an effective manner, that you understand basic marketing concepts and that you have the ability to appropriately apply theory to practice.  To demonstrate your ability to apply theory to practice you must illustrate your answer with relevant research and data that is applicable to your organisation.

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