Communication and Management Assessment Help



Plan and conduct a simulation exercise for redesigning the image of one of the followingorganisations:

·         an electricity producer operatinga nuclear power plant
·         genetically modified foodproducer and distribution company
·         a medicalcompany undertaking stem cell research.
·         Choose a company from another industry and check with Mr. Cai.

You are required to research this business and write a written report.

Use your text to outline the theory of public relations and illustrate this with information about the organisation of your choice.

Usethe following steps in your activity.Use each key words be the topic.

Identify the organization and its key operations.
Define the organisation’s ‘publics’ (Internal, General, Local Community, Citizen-action, Media, Government).

Describe the organisation’s current image, including the results, analysis and summary of a survey of the public. (Conduct a survey using questions based on some/all of the criteria on page 409)

Analyse the current public relations position of the company via a SWOT Analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats).

Develop the objectives and strategies to address the company’s public relations weaknesses and improve its image.

Develop the desired public relations approach, and create a presentation which will convince the managers of this company to accept your proposal.

Design 2 posters, pamphlets, multimedia or video presentations to support your strategy.

Identify the elements of a crisis communication plan (if there were a crisis)

Create a checklist of Key Performance Indicators you would use to evaluate the success of your campaign.



Profile (to be completed by end of lesson _______)
·       Able to identify the organization and its key operations.                                 2 marks

The Organisation’s ‘Publics’ (to be completed by end of lesson _______)
·       Able to define the organisation’s ‘publics’ (Internal, General, Local Community, Citizen-action, Media, Government).                                                                   3 marks

Current Image (to be completed by end of lesson _________)
·       Able to describe the organisation’s current image.                                            2 marks

SWOT Analysis (to be completed by end of lesson ___________)
·       Able to analyse the current public relations position of the company via a SWOT Analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats).                           4 marks

Strategy to Improve Organisation’s Image (to be completed by end of lesson _______)
·       Able to highlight a strategy to improve image                                                    2 marks

Develop a Public Relations Approach (to be completed by end of lesson _______)
·       Develop the desired public relations approach, and create a presentation which will convince the managers of this company to accept your proposal.                5 marks

Presentations (to be completed by end of lesson ________)
·       Design 2 posters, pamphlets, multimedia or video presentations to support your strategy.                                                                                                                   10 marks

Crisis Communication Plan Elements (to be completed by end of lesson ________)
·       Identify the elements of a crisis communication plan (if there were a crisis) 5 marks

Key Performance Indicator Checklist (to be completed by end of lesson __________)
·  Create a checklist of 7 Key Performance Indicators you would use to evaluate the success of your campaign.                                                                                        7 marks

Use of URLs and references                                                                                                       



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