Ethics, Consumerism and Social Responsibility Assignment

Module Description:

This module aims to provide students with knowledge of ethical issues involving business. In particular, it aims to provide students with knowledge regarding the existence of corporations in liberal democracies, and ethical concerns surrounding multinational corporations. Further to this, the module aims to develop the capacity of students to critically engage with issues of human rights; environmentalism and sustainable development; consumerism; and the role that corporations play in politics. Ultimately, the aim of the module is to enable students to recognise and reflect upon complex ethical problems with a view to enhancing their analytical and decision-making skills.

In addressing Ethics, Consumerism and CSR from economic, social and environmental perspectives, this module is multi-disciplinary in approach. It aims to encourage students to adopt a critically reflective perspective of business and its role in society.


 The module has the following Learning Outcomes:

1.      Demonstrate an awareness of the broader context of business particularly emphasising its social and environmental impact;
2.      Apply arguments for relating to how social and environmental can be embedded in managerial decision-making;
3.      Conduct a stakeholder analysis and suggest ways of improving stakeholders input into decision-making;

Intellectual Skills

The module aims to develop the students' critical understanding of:

The broader context of business particularly emphasising its social and environmental impact;
How to include social and environmental concerns in management decision-making;
Sustainable business practices;
Stakeholders analysis and related issues;
The inclusion of social and environmental concerns in business strategy;
Diversity, particularly with respect to employment practices.

Indicative Content / Areas of Study 

·        Corporate Governance
·        Sustainability and Human Resource Management
·        Boundary Critique and Stakeholder Analysis
·        Stakeholder Engagement
·        Civil Learning
·        Diversity issues
·        Environmental Footprint Analysis
·        Consumer lobbies and pressure groups
·        Consumer and social issues
·        Role of consumerism in society. Green consumerism and the environmental considerations
·        Consumerism and the business environment
·        Impact of consumerism on business organisations, including marketing, advertising and consumer relations.

Teaching and Learning Strategy

 On Campus Students

Students will learn through a combination of lectures and tutorials.  They will receive directed reading and will be expected to prepare answers to tasks set around guided reading in order to stimulate discussions in tutorials.  Students will have the opportunity to raise particular learning difficulties during the tutorials and it is intended that this sort of activity will also reinforce understanding

Lectures:                       12 hours
Tutorials:                       12 hours
Directed Study:           126 hours
Total:                           150 hours

Class sessions will be based on an in-depth discussion of actual case studies

E-Learning Students

E-learning students will be supported through electronic material. In addition, e-learning students will have access to the same lecture slides and tutorial activities as given to on-campus students. They will also undertake similar assessment activities.


Assessment Weighting:       100% CW

CW1:   100% weighting           Learning outcomes to be assessed: 1, 2 and 3
Individual report (2,500 words) (60%); and Group Presentation (40%)


The module conforms fully to the relevant UG regulatory framework.


Core text

Fisher, C. and Lovell, A. (2003) Business Ethics and Values, Prentice Hall, Harlow.

Recommended Reading

  • Davies, P.W.F. (2007) Current Issues in Business Ethics, Routledge, London.
  • Demirag, I. (2005) CSR, Responsibility, Accountability & Governance: Global Perspectives, Greenleaf Publishing.
  • Fisher, C. and Lovell, A. (2003) Business Ethics and Values, Prentice Hall, Harlow.
  • Harvard Business Review on Corporate Responsibility (2003) Harvard Business School Press, Boston, USA
  • Jackson, M.C. (2003) Systems Thinking: Creative Holism for Managers, Wiley, Chichester.
  • Midgley, G. (2000) Systemic Intervention: Philosophy, Methodology and Practice, Kluwer/Plenum, New York.
  • Van Tulder, R., and Van der Zwart, A. (2005) International Business-Society Management, Routledge.
  • Macleod, J. K., John Keith. (2002) Consumer sales law : the law relating to consumer sales and financing of goods. - London : Cavendish.
  • Scott, Colin. (2000) Cranston's consumers and the law / 3rd ed. - London : Butterworths 

Essential web sites: 

  • EU web site
  • EU DG SANCO Health and Consumer protection Directorate-General :
  • UK Government Office of Fair Trading
  • UK Government Department of Trade and Industry
  • DTI - Consumer Policy
  • DTI - Consumer gateway

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