Mathematics and its History Assignment


Mathematics is the learning of quantity, shape, size, structure, space etc. According to the scholars, mathematics varies in its scope and definitions. Different mathematicians have different says in this field. Certain patterns are used to formulate new conjectures. A conjecture is true or false, it is shown by deriving mathematical proofs. The first abstraction that was derived in real world is probably the 'numbers'. As a speculation, even pre-historic civilizations were also aware of numbers as a way to count days, years, or seasons. The most ancient mathematical evidence is of Pythagoras who showed that there is a relationship between different objects in terms of numbers. Complex mathematical models didn't take place before the Babylonians and Egyptians started using mathematics around 3000 BC. During this time, mathematics was taken to a whole new level as they used algebra, arithmetic, and geometry for the financial calculations of many types, architecture, and astronomy. Learners have to submit a number of Mathematics Assignment in order to complete their course.

Advanced Mathematics Areas

Mathematics is broadly and traditionally categorized in Pure Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, but these two types intertwined with each other. These two approaches overlap in several areas of science and others.

Pure Mathematics

Pure Mathematics tries to dig deeper the seemingly very simple mathematics. It goes downhill to the discovery of new depths of the already existing mathematical notions. However, pure mathematics is used extensively in many areas of physics and chemistry. For example, group theory is an excellent example of pure mathematics but used widely in physics and chemistry.
We have put together the fields that a Pure Mathematics student have to study before doing any Pure Mathematics Assignment:-

·        Algebra
·        Logic
·        Calculus and analysis
·        Number theory
·        Differential Geometry
·        Topology
·        Combinatoric

Applied Mathematics

As the name suggests, it is an area where mathematical concepts are applied in real world. It is used extensively in the field of science, business, engineering, computer science and many other areas of practical interest. Have a look at some of the major areas of applied mathematics:-

·        Differential equations
·        Abstract algebra (in less details)
·        Linear programming
·        Dynamics
·        Physical mathematics
·        Computational biology
·        Theoretical Computer science
·        Probability and statistics
·        Operations research

Know more about Python Programming.

Why students should avail Online Help?

Students have a lot to do in their daily schedule. Some of them have to do part time jobs to support their academic courses and accommodation. This leaves no room or little room for other activities. Besides, students have to complete other assignments as well. Also, students have social life and friend circle that demand their attention. They have to participate in extra-curricular activities which consumes a lot of time. All this can generate a lot of stress and can affect students mental health. Thats why students should avail online writing services to lessen the burden of assignments. Assignment writing services such as Assignment Help Australia help students in completing their assignments. Students have a say in assignment writing process. They get to alter things in every stage of assignment. Assignments are made according to students demand. So, students should leave their worries to Assignment Help Australia and enjoy.

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